Raw Story is running a poll on if Trump should be allowed to run for office.
The results are as you would expect.
Heads up that they’re running the poll to get the email addresses of the recipients - can’t vote without giving them your info.
Just give info@rawstory.com or something
Yeah, I know, it’s just not really worth the time, as it’s gonna be a completely unscientific poll anyway. Plus, looks like they’re tying your vote to the email address via the submission form - I’m guessing that’s a single post to the database, so not terribly convinced they have privacy in mind. That they’ve got a checkmark to confirm that you’re not an EU citizen means the submission form doesn’t meet GDPR privacy standards.
He should be barred from public office.
He should be fired out of a cannon and into a volcano
I would love to be the one that lights the fuse! 😈
This isn’t really a news article, and it’s by a US source about a US topic. Please try to post things like this to Politics or maybe US News in the future. Thanks!
I posted it here because the question on the poll asks the voter if they’re in the EU or not, so understood the poll as being worldwide.
Ah, makes sense with the world aspect, but still a better fit for the politics community.
I don’t think it’s a problem that trump can run for office, there are supposed to be sufficient safeguards to ensure someone like that can not be elected.
The trouble is with those safeguards, called voters, not working as intended.