• Korkki@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ukraine will not negotiate peace, ever. Everybody should understand this. These talks are nothing but theater. When Ukraine talks about peace it does speak about compromise, dialogue or even talks, it means that Ukrainian representatives get to climb to yet another podium to reiterate to the world that Ukraine getting it’s own maximalist goals achieved and Russia essentially totally capitulating, paying reparations and of course regime change in Kremlin is a must. They say that this IS peace and only way towards peace and then of course ask more money and weapons. Too bad this strategy pulled straight from La La Land, and no factor on or off the battlefield supports this Ukraine getting it’s lands back is ever happening. What happens when Ukrainian state is agreement incapable? I guess it means that Kiev makes the removal of Ukrainian state a precondition for peace. What they are trying with this is getting Chinese strung in to the narrative, somehow. They already got the Chinese pissed with their previous comments like a week back when they spat on all proposals that China came up with, because for Kiev being outwardly unreasonable, defiant and putting up a brave face for PR is more important than reality on the ground or lives.

    • MrVilliam@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Imagine a neighboring country invaded your country, stole your land, killed your people indiscriminately, raped your women, tortured your defending soldiers, and spread propaganda that you all deserved this and would continue to receive this until you ceded all lands and resources to them. Now, what does fair peace look like in this scenario? Kinda sounds like the invaders leaving, that country paying for damages, and the leader being out of power so they don’t just try again would be the bare minimum you would accept.

      You either don’t understand what’s happening or you’re intentionally furthering a narrative that supports eradicating millions of people while cosplaying as “the good guys” here. The former is sad, the latter is chilling, and both are absolutely unacceptable from any human being to continue on with after I’ve pointed this out to you. So will you educate yourself on the matter, reject the call to spread Russian propaganda, or continue to be a despicable fucking monster? I’d like to know so I can see whether I need to block you and report you to mods or not. Or maybe this is your chance to prove that you’d like to better yourself.