• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • Well, I’d say 100k to 300k qualifies as more money than I’ve ever made in a single year of my life, more than I’ve made in my entire life if we go closer to 300k…

    But what I meant was that the ultimate hiring process is dictated, signed off on or altered, all the way down, by the wealth holding members of society. The top execs, the board.

    And that the society created, and largely owned, by their policies is essentially gaslighting us every day.

    Have you ever spent an entire year applying to jobs… as a full time job? After having had a career, losing it to a disability, then trying to go back after years of recovery?

    With maybe one reply every few months, despite being qualified for everything you are applying to?

    Becoming depressed as everyone around you spends the first month giving you mindless cheery platitudes, then forgetting you exist, then becoming angry when you tell them you can’t afford to do anything that involves money?

    Then when you finally cave and go work some bullshit job you are immensely overqualified for, everyone blames you for not living up to your potential?

    They made it, it worked out for them, why didn’t it work out for you?

    Even though it never once occured to them to maybe help you out monetarily and avoid going into massive debt, or by putting in a good word for you with their network of contacts.

  • I have no inclination or standing to doubt you.

    Hrm, Im on mobile, shittiest phone in the world, but maybe you can read these images. I can’t copy paste the latex formulas so… lemme see if i can throw this all in a spoiler so it doesnt take up half this thread:

    First few pages of the article

    Another conjecture in physics is whether the Einstein-Rosen bridge (ER) and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR or entanglement) are physically equivalent. The ER=EPR conjecture awaits rigorous proof [3]. This work also provides further proof of this claim. This work is different from other attempts at unification: (i) string theory, which still lacks experimental observation of extra dimensions [[4], [5], [6]], (ii) loop quantum gravity, which still faces challenges in its compatibility with the Standard Model [7]. In our study, we assume that the new equation should be written in a unitless manner on the Planck scale. Current physical models require at least ten physical constants. Meanwhile, there remain only two constants used in this framework: Planck length and Planck time. In addition, the proposed equation can explain the Gravitational Wave Background (GWB) observed over 15 years by NANOGrav [8].

    Applying the Onsager principle on reciprocal relation to the Einstein field equation (EFE), we infer that if a mass can create a curvature (EFE), the curvature can also create a mass. We recap the Ricci tensor before proving each claim in this work. An important concept inferred from the proposed equation is that relaxation of the curvature can create a mass. Because this is a theoretical work, it is organized by topic rather than by an ordinary experimental article structure.

    After this its images as I cant copy pasta latex

  • So, this has yet to be peer reviewed, and I am far from a theoretical physicist … I certainly can’t say its correct or incorrect.

    It does seem … too convenient. As in, how could it possibly have taken so many physicists so long to not just try this decades ago?

    Basically, they throw the Planck Length and Planck energy (from Quantum Physics) into the Einstein Field Equation (from General Relativity) …

    … and are then able to mathematically derive basically the rest of the laws of physics, which seem to be quite close to or totally in line with the Standard Model (of Quantum Physics).

    Unfortunately I do not see any direct comparisons if their predicted values for MeV’s of fundamental particles with experimental data…

    Anyway, the paper notes 2 interesting, direct implications:

    1. Dark Matter is not real, there’s no need for it in this model. Galaxy rotation speeds work out to what we see without need for additional, unseen, mass.

    2. Either A, our universe is mirrored by and entangled with an antiuniverse of antiparticles which all travel backward through time (antitime?), or B, our universe is part of an evolution of … prior(?) universe(s?) which generate black holes, which do not form singularities but instead create entangled white holes as other universes, expanding spacetimes.

    Bonus conclusion:

    The Fine Structure Constant may not actually be constant.

  • I believe nuclear war was censored because the song came out in 2003.

    FCC had temporarily banned a whole bunch of songs from live radio broadcast after 9/11 (Learning to Fly by Tom Petty, literally everything from RATM, many more) and in 2003 a while lot of Americans were terrified that Saddam would nuke us, or Israel, or terrorists would get a suitcase nuke or assemble a dirty bomb and blow up Chicago or something, as basically every journalism outfit in America was credulously reporting everything Bush admin officials were claiming about threats (which they knew were of dubious legitimacy), while the Bush admin itself was basically fabricating a claim to invade Iraq.

    The uncensored version released in their album, but the music video and radio versions was censored likely so it could reach a larger audience on MTV and be allowed to be broadcast by the FCC.

  • I mean, this story is obviously bullshit and has been debunked over the years.

    Not to mention even on its face, the headline is just wrong.

    Elon states he had an apartment, but also implies he lived in his office, coding 24/7.

    So… he had an apartment and is exaggerating about how often he stayed late.

    How much did that apartment cost?


    Did he just walk to work?

    Was he working but not earning a wage?

    This is a total bullshit article even by its own text.

    Maybe his food budget was about a dollar a day for a while. Sure, ok, that’s maybe possible.

    This is like those stories that were going around a while ago with various corporations just displaying absolutely absurd budgets for how a person could afford to live on their full time minimum low income job…

    By assuming rent is 40% lower than it is, that they don’t have to pay for car insurance, never have health problems, never need new clothes, barely eat and don’t have a phone or internet plan.

  • Before we can commence with therapy relating to your suspected anxiety, adhd and trauma relating to people consistently extracting large amounts of time and money from you whilst making complicated, conditional, arbitrarily changing promises (involving the complicated, conditional, arbitrarily changing views of multiple third parties you do not personally know) to repay you in some way, which they never do…

    … please allow me to trigger all of your suspected conditions as thoroughly as possible in the name of ethical transparency and consent before we can proceed.

    Don’t worry this will only take 15 minutes to explain adequately if you’re in a good headspace.

    Subject appears irrationally angry and violent for no discernible reason, suspicion of psychosis.

  • I… uh…


    So, if you go on Facebook, or Craiglist, and then privately buy or sell a firearm that is:

    Fully Automatic

    Does not meet required barrel length for its caliber

    Is a fucking grenade or other explosive

    Sold to or purchased from a person in a state you do not reside in


    You do not also do the required paperwork (and usually a background check on the purchaser) to indicate to the government that you have sold/purchased a firearm, or at least keep a record of this for yourself…

    …in almost every state in the US, you are now likely a felon, should your activities become noticed by law enforcement.


    In fact, the ATF and FBI have quite often done honeypot operations in these kinds of groups.

    Please tell me you can see the difference between exploiting the loopholes in a country with a highly complex array or firearms laws, and an open air bazaar in a foreign country with basically no gun laws.

    Twitter/X, which is, last I checked, a US based and registered company, is now facilitating unregulated firearms sales to a potentially international audience, and again, it is facilitating arms transfers to or from persons and entities the US likely considers to be terrorists.

    I do not have to have any political opinion regarding the Houthis to be able to tell you that this is yet another gigantic legal quagmire for Twitter/X.

  • The difference being that those are local groups where you hopefully are not purchasing or selling a weapon to or from a group of people the United States Military is currently at war with (conducting kinetic operations, w/e) and has designated a terrorist group.

    Yeah, its not hard to find places to buy guns on the internet.

    It normally is fairly hard to find places to do so from terrorists or organized criminal groups overseas. Partially because, as you say, most of these you find quickly are honeypots, or scams, and finding ‘legit’ markets is not easy.

  • There are grenades and grenade launchers that are or have specific anti tank designs (though they probably won’t work too well against any tank produced after the 70s), so, probably yes.

    Also, while an RPG is not technically a ‘grenade launcher’ (as it fires in a basically flat, direct trajectory, compared to grenade launchers that lobbed more like artillery shells, indirectly in high arcs), a lot of less weapons literate people and journalists see ‘Rocket Propelled Grenade’ and might think it thus counts as a ‘grenade launcher’.

  • No.

    You obviously did not read the article, so here’s a summary:

    "With unguided munitions, a toss/lofted technique significantly reduces accuracy. Hammer and [U.S.-supplied unpowered] JDAM-ER [glide-bombs] both come standard with GPS-assisted inertial navigation system (INS) guidance packages that would allow them to zero in on set coordinates even when employed indirectly.”

    "Much more importantly, the French precision-guided munitions have the REK [Range Extension Kit tail unit], which is a solid-fuel rocket booster designed to extend the weapon’s range. This is already a very useful additional capability when employing these weapons in level flight at higher altitudes, giving 500-pound/250-kilogram class versions the ability to hit targets up to 43 miles (70 kilometers) away. That is similar to the stated maximum range of the unpowered JDAM-ER with its pop-out wing kit.”

    The whole point of having these guided bombs is that you can wildly roll away as soon as you achieve the correct range to target, and you would want to bail out of the combat zone as soon as possible because the entire combat zone is likely filled with enemy anti air assets that can kill you, and you want to get out of their range as quickly as you can.

    They are GPS assisted, internally (self) navigating, rocket assisted bombs.

    What that means is, you have already set the GPS location you want to hit, you loose the bombs and get the hell out asap, the rocket fires and the fins on the bomb actuate so as to generate a flight/glide path for the bomb that will guide it to the target.

    Basically, its much more akin to a short range, air to ground missile than it is to a ‘dumb’ unguided bomb.

    The difference being that the rocket on this is used to fly the bomb upwards, to gain altitude and thus range, then it glides downward toward the target, as opposed to a more conventional air to ground missile that would not have a glide stage and would be doing powered flight the whole time.

    That, and these kinds of things are a hell of a lot cheaper than actual missiles, so you can get and use more of them.

    A whole lot of the reduced cost is because air to ground missiles usually have their own expensive optical or thermal or radar sensors that allow them to maintain a lock on a specified target after separating from the aircraft, whereas these GPS guided bombs just aim for the exact GPS location of the target the aircraft gives before they separate from the aircraft. So, they’re going to miss a rapidly advancing tank, but if the target is static, or some kind of mobile vehicle that takes a while to pack up and move, they stand a decent chance at hitting that.

    The other engineering achievement of these things is the pylon, which interfaces between the russian-designed target designation systems on board the russian-designed aircraft, and translates this into being able to GPS program the specific target coordinates of the NATO-designed guided bombs before they are loosed.

    An extremely oversimplified metaphor here would be that if you have American appliances or gadgets, you’re going to need an adapter to charge/power them if you take them to another country with different power sockets and standard voltages.

    In general, this is what is called a stand-off munition, which is a custom designed or modified version of a weapon that allows you to accurately hit targets from a range outside the ability of the enemy to smack back at you.