Resilio sync works great for that since syncthing is on the out. I actually prefer Resilio anyways
Resilio sync works great for that since syncthing is on the out. I actually prefer Resilio anyways
I know I’m in a different situation here but i buy all my server drives off ebay. Just got ~60TB worth of SAS drives for a little over $200 USD. Ive never had an issue. Most of these places are where business sell their drives to be wiped. Then they just put them up on ebay
Edit: bad autocorrect
Woodrow Wilson
Disney’s Aladdin for game boy. Beat it in under a day and returned it. Just awful.
Have to have it for work, AutoCAD doesn’t run on Linux
Been using ShareX for a bit today, yep, you are right. Far superior. Glad I stumbled on this today!
Have you ever used lightshot? How did sharex compare if you have.
I’ve been using lightshot for years and love it, might have to try others out just to see what else is out there
Edit: Been using ShareX for a little bit today, and yes. it is superior to lightshot
Did he actually end a relationship? Or just cancel the tour? I would argue that if he would have died and actually become a martyr it would be much worse. I also don’t think of he does actually win the whole world is going to be f’d up. Thats mostly just rhetoric. Will he suck? Yup. Will he be there next putin that has unlimited terms? No chance.
Having an effigy of a beheaded Trump is more of an edgy joke (Kathy Griffin in 2017). Wishing an assignation attempt that actually occurred to have been successful is a little different.
Why? Because he’s not ok with his band mate saying on stage someone should be murdered?
My dad used to say “Hay is for horses, I eat oats.”
I use /srv for all mu shared mounts for all the *arr’s
I tried Resolve bit came back to kdenlive. It’s just fit my needs much better
It does, two buttons along the side of the stylus and one on the top end
I have the dell active pen on my xps 2 in 1, it works.
“Couldn’t care less”
Comodore 64 os in the late 80’s then msdos, win 3.1, etc. First Linux distro i believe was either slackware or debian.
While I understand the sentiment, there are a lot of jobs out there that are necessary but no one wants to do. If no one had to work society would fall apart. At least at this point in time. Maybe it we ever make it to the startrek universe with boundless energy, replictors, medical devices that just cure you.
See my comment about Resilio sync above