CNN’s Wolf Blitzer seemed at a lost of words at the justification being used to bomb a refugee camp in Gaza.

    11 months ago

    They aren’t doing roofknocking during this war, and that’s such a thin justification to obliterate peoples homes I’m shocked you’re repeating it.

    Why are there pogroms and settlers being armed in the west bank? There is no Hamas there, it isn’t Gaza. What gives?

    They literally blasted a whole ass refugee camp killing hundreds yesterday to kill one guy (aledgedly), and are fully blasting all civilian infrastructure. You’re either blind, misinformed, or a disingenuous hack.

      11 months ago

      In October 2023, a senior Israeli official stated that [roofknocking] would no longer be the norm and would only be used under certain circumstances.

      Sounds like they still do it sometimes but not often, thanks for the correction.

      that’s such a thin justification to obliterate peoples homes I’m shocked you’re repeating it.

      Where did I say roofknocking justified bombings? I’m pointing out that Israel is not behaving in a way that supports characterizing their actions in Gaza as Nazi-like, their intention is not to eradicate Arabs. I suspect their intention is to clear North Gaza and annex it down to the Gaza river but that’s just my personal take.

      They literally blasted a whole ass refugee camp killing hundreds yesterday to kill one guy (aledgedly), and are fully blasting all civilian infrastructure. You’re either blind, misinformed, or a disingenuous hack.

      Allegedly there was a network of tunnels under the area as well.

      I’m curious, what would you do if you were in Israel’s shoes, if your city just had thousands of people murdered and kidnapped then fled into a densely populated hostile territory? What do you think the right move is here?

      You’re either blind, misinformed, or a disingenuous hack.

      Because someone couldn’t also be informed and simply disagree with you?

        11 months ago

        If you want the hostages, you negotiate, not bomb where the hostages are. You also don’t wait 2 days to secure the area while immediately hitting the “bomb gaza” button. The conflict makes so much more sense when you realize Israel cares more about killing and displacing Palestinians than saving their own people. (Hannibal doctrine)

        If I’m in Israel’s shoes, I wouldn’t be demonizing and dehumanizing an entire people I’ve stolen land from.

        Let’s say I magically became ruler on Oct 7th. There’s only two ways out of the conflict for good, full scale genocide and ethnic cleansing or reparations and a one state secular solution. Obviously I choose the latter.

          11 months ago

          reparations and a one state secular solution

          Reparations can and should happen, however I don’t think that a one-state solution is viable presently. Each side is still launching bloody attacks against the other; maybe there will be a remote possibility of this after a few generations of peace. If both sides secular and wanted secular government it would certainly provide a lot of common ground.

              11 months ago

              Only one party has the power to make [reparations and a one state secular solution] a reality, and it isn’t the Palestinians.

              How so? That doesn’t fit with my information. Israel has always been willing to negotiate for peace but as they hold all the cards when it comes to the military and realpolitik situation it needs to be on their terms. Palestine has been unwilling to surrender and make viable peace terms since 1948, despite losing every war. In fact, Hamas has it in their original charter that:

              “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

              This is why things have gotten so bad for them, a refusal to pacify and make concessions. This is a prerequisite to any one-state solution. The Peel commission found that a one-state solution wasn’t viable in the 30’s because animosity was so high after the Arab revolt and I suspect not much has changed since then. However, I’d love to be proven wrong. It seems like a bad idea to try and compromise and form a stable government with enemies who actively want to genocide you, like Hamas does.

              As for a secular government, neither party has one but Israel seems a hell of a lot more secular than Gaza, whose government appears to be enforcing something like Sharia Law on the people there:

              Following Hamas’ victory in the 2006 Palestinian elections and a conflict with supporters of the rival Fatah party, Hamas took complete control of the Gaza Strip, and declared the “end of secularism and heresy in the Gaza Strip”
              Ismael Haniyeh officially denied accusations that Hamas intended to establish an Islamic emirate. However, Jonathan Schanzer wrote that in two years following the 2007 coup, the Gaza Strip had exhibited the characteristics of Talibanization, a process whereby the Hamas government had imposed strict rules on women, discouraged activities commonly associated with Western culture, oppressed non-Muslim minorities, imposed sharia law, and deployed religious police to enforce these laws.

              Islam is very intolerant to those who wish to become secular/leave the religion, as per their rules regarding apostates:

              classical Islamic jurisprudence calls for the death penalty of those who refuse to repent of apostasy from Islam

              Jews are comparatively very tolerant of secularists/atheists among them.

                11 months ago

                There’s no Hamas in the west bank. Why is Israel killing and driving them out? Performing pogroms and all that.

                Also why should they be peaceful after the literal Nakba? Israel are the ones on stolen land dude.

                  11 months ago

                  There’s no Hamas in the west bank. Why is Israel killing and driving them out?

                  I’m not sure what incidents you’re referring to, can you refer me to any articles?
                  Gaza (Hamas) is being treated very differently than the West Bank (PA) by Israel presently.

                  Also why should they be peaceful after the literal Nakba? Israel are the ones on stolen land dude.

                  That’s exactly the sort of thinking that led to Gaza’s current situation, it completely ignores the realpolitik of their situation and will lead to predictable reprisals from a superior force. “Why should I stop poking the bear, it’s in my cave!” Well, here we are, another predictable and preventable mauling.

                    11 months ago


                    They’re not carpet bombing them (wow so kind and restrained of them), but they are continuing to steal homes and land. This has been happening before Oct 7th too. This is what happens when you cooperate with Israel.

                    Yeah, but the “bear” in the situation is a nation state. It’s not an animal or a natural disaster. You’re blaming the victim here, you realize right?