• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Just going by the article, it sounds like his team didn’t even offer a reason, or said much of anything – beyond just asking or telling the judge not to sign and enter the judgement itself because that starts the 30 day clock.

    His attorneys are either stupid as fuck, fed up with him, are looking at cutting down on hours they don’t foresee getting paid for, tired of their own legal careers, or all the above, because that’s almost some sovereign citizen level technicality shit.

    “Your Honor, I know the trial’s over, but if you don’t sign and enter the judgement then I don’t have to start worrying about it yet, so you should just hold off. No, no reason, just don’t sign it and then it won’t start until we want it to start.”

    I am not a lawyer, but I can imagine there are some looking at this just shaking their heads in befuddlement. If only losing defendants throughout the history of American jurisprudence had known they could just ask the judge to hold off on the last bit of paperwork then they could have had all the time in the world.

    That’s some serious Stable Genius™ shit right there, folks.