In a characteristically rambling post on Truth Social, Mr Trump said that the indictment ‘hoax’ was the fault of misfits – and mutants

    1 year ago

    This poor guy would love nothing more than to be able to demonize the people he truly despises: the poor, white, rural people who form the base of his support. Whether or not he goes to prison, the ultimate curse that has been inflicted on him is that he will never get the respect of people he himself respects – the well-heeled upper-crust to which he nauseatingly aspired with warped attempts at imitation like the gaudy entrance of Trump Tower. To his everlasting torture, polite society will never have a kind word for him, so he’s damned to touring what we in America call the ruby-reddest parts of “red states” and there to accept the adulation of crowds he does not respect or like. Imagine the tension of holding these two things to be true at once: “these people are stupid as hell” and “these people love me more than anyone.” I wouldn’t wish that kind of agony on anyone but Donald Trump.