Russia violated Poland’s airspace early on Sunday with a cruise missile launched at targets in western Ukraine, Poland’s armed forces said.

Russia launched 57 missiles and drones on Ukraine in the early hours, including attacking Kyiv and the western region of Lviv that is near the Polish border.

    6 months ago

    No, it’s not a fact. You can’t just say a thing, suffix it with a statement that “it’s just a fact”, and then just expect everyone to take that at face value. State your sources; make your argument. But I and others are under no obligation to take your word as gospel if we judge it as nonsense. Which at this point, I still do.

    The fact that you started off with an ad hominem attack indicates to me that you’re not seriously participating in this discussion, and that you’re likely arguing in bad faith, so you’re definitely not winning any points there.

        6 months ago

        I don’t care what you upvote. I’m just trying to point out that you’re being a dick, and the fact that you’re being a dick is diminishing any argument you’re trying to make.

        If you want to have an actual discussion, we can do that. But your responses aren’t conducive to a discussion, and when presented with potential counterpoints, you responded with personal attacks and dogmatic, dated, Kissinger-esque “great power” geopolitical calculus (that most policy-makers in the world these days have realized isn’t how the world actually works anymore, if it ever did), which makes me think you’re more interested in trying to “dunk” on someone than actually discussing the situation.

        By all means, I encourage you to prove me wrong and actually have a discussion. I enjoy debating the implications of geopolitical issues in our modern world. But you should know that I also enjoy undercutting and pointing out bad-faith arguments… so in the context of this interaction, I’m having fun either way.

        6 months ago

        I’m sure we could all manage to read 1 or 2 sources and comprehend them in relation to your argument. Don’t feel the need to dumb it down for us morons