The author argues that the recent Congressional hearing on UFOs featured credible testimony from military witnesses that UFOs exist and the government has covered up information about them for decades. The author, a retired Navy admiral, vouches for the integrity of the witnesses. He believes society should demand that the government disclose what it knows about UFOs. This could lead to scientific advances that transform our understanding of physics and the universe. Studying UFOs could also improve international security and cooperation. The author contends that failing to study UFOs would be arrogant given how little we understand about the universe.

    1 year ago

    Personally, I think this whole thing is likely a distraction. That said, why would they land in the middle of a city? You think they want to cause a riot? Hundreds of simultaneous heart attacks?

    If UFOs started showing up over major cities without some sort of prior contact and announcement, that’d be cause for concern. We consider it a huge breach of security to have unauthorized planes in our airspace, I’d imagine that they’d take it as good etiquette not to be zooming around highly populated areas.

      1 year ago

      The problem with your comment is you’re using our logic, culture, and military tactics to describe a scenario in which an alien race comes to earth. How do you expect them to know about these? Do you think “breach of airspace” is a galactic doctrine?

      Imagine if we found large non-natural structures in say… Neptune. Why woudlnt we want to go analyze those and take samples and figure out what’s going on??