Does it take into account instance rules like language, moderation, or whether it’s a personal instance hosted on a raspi that may go down at any moment?
Yes! (or any other big server) must manually add the-other-server to their “recommder” list. So the-other-server has to prove to that they’re going to offer similar reliability.
Would also be cool to have like a short questionnaire, like picking your class in Morrowind, but instead you end up on a German industrial metal music instance.
Myself and another developer are working on something we think will solve this:
OP: TLDR: Automatic User Distribution
Whenever someone goes to the sign up page, for example, on, we:
Does it take into account instance rules like language, moderation, or whether it’s a personal instance hosted on a raspi that may go down at any moment?
Yes! (or any other big server) must manually add the-other-server to their “recommder” list. So the-other-server has to prove to that they’re going to offer similar reliability.
Would also be cool to have like a short questionnaire, like picking your class in Morrowind, but instead you end up on a German industrial metal music instance.