I am theoretically switching over from Reddit to Lemmy. Finding myself spending more time on Lemmy than on Reddit. Maybe it’s because I am limited to using the desktop and can’t aimlessly browse Reddit on my iPhone. Of late, the only subreddits I cared for were on sports and their matchday threads and r/watches. I found myself aimlessly browsing through r/AskReddit and asking and answering pointless questions.

  • nullptr@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’m definitely spending more time on Lemmy. For me this place resembles early Reddit or StackOverflow, where giving just a small piece advice, even though not perfectly written or formatted, can genuinely help someone to make a decision or solve a problem. I’m posting like 10x what I would post on Reddit.

    If on Reddit you might occasionally run into a newish post you feel you have just the right competence and writing skill to give a great answer for. But, alas, the post was over 1h old, and someone had already made the “isn’t that putting Descartes before the whores?” comment, and after that there’s just nothing you can do or say to top that so you just forget about it.

    • maat@lemmy.maatwo.com
      1 year ago

      I share the same sentiment—and I can’t tell if it’s because it’s the newest, shiny thing and most of us feel like we’re on some frontier of something greater, but I do feel like we’re valuing each others’ input a lot more than the Reddit baseline.

      I realize that’s kind of antithetical to what you were saying earlier in that there’s an end-all-be-all kind of comment, but I’d like to think that it’s because we’ve all matured a bit during this time and that this fediverse kick is enough to shift our thinking to remind us that there is an individual behind each of these posts, and there really shouldn’t be comments that shut out most avenues of conversation.

      This has gotten ranty, but I’d just like to close off with the pettier thought that we’re all just being slightly chattier than normal simply because we want to drive content away from the alien site. Either way, I hope this sentiment continues.