Ahoy my fellow pirates. Is there any site like Kemono for DeviantArt Premium Galleries? I found this one creator on the platform but all his good stuff is behind a 10$ (!) paywall for every “Gallery” of his. Bad is that they aren’t only images but videos that I need, so there is that. Does anyone here know of some site of this kind?

P.S. The author also doesn’t have a patreon or anything like that. He only posts to DA.

Edit: He also locks 95% of his stuff behind a 20$ (!) subscription on top of these galleries. You can’t even access the old premium galleries if you buy the sub.

  • Xanza@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Just like everything else in life, it’s not a binary situation. You can’t say “either it is, or isn’t stealing! Circumstance doesn’t matter!” because circumstance always matter.

    If you come at me with the intent to kill me, and I kill you in self defense, that’s not murder. It would be wholly ignorant to say “well you tried to kill the guy who was trying to kill you, so it’s murder! Circumstance doesn’t matter!” That would be the answer of a child.

    The argument of Piracy has never been one of “oh, well, it’s not theft.” Of course its theft. You’d have to be in deep denial to make that argument. It’s not your IP. The argument of Piracy is that taking shit from corpos doesn’t fucking matter–no one is getting hurt. As soon as you stop taking from corpos and taking from the little guy, like indie artists, you’re just a fuckin’ thief. And that’s not moral.