my current ISP refuses to provide me a static IP and they also blocks incoming connection to my ipv6 so I can’t host services on just ipv6 too. I will be changing my ISP when the plan expires.
without public IP I can host my own IRC bouncer but I would like to know what else can I self host? Thanks in advance!
Rent a VPN, setup a wire guard tunnel and fuck your ISP!
Anyway having a real public IP on a residential block is basically impossible anywhere but in the USA, I guess.
Public IPV4 here. It’s not static, but very rarely rotates. DDNS ftw.
Telus Residential in Canada.
Straya. I have a static ip. Costs like 5$ a month
North America?
straya = australia
Thanks, I was thinking of the fitness app
That’s strava
Ah, yes. That’s the one.
CGNAT blows, but easy to workaround w/ a $5/mo VPS.