Find your data protection agency and send in a violation, please! Let’s see what happens :)
Find your data protection agency and send in a violation, please! Let’s see what happens :)
They’re now completely shameless, out in the open, and know that nobody is gonna stop them.
You can prove it by boiling the water in different ways, putting a thermometer inside and then filming/timing it :D
Memory is still structured like a file and referenced over addresses, we just call it something else.
Your command needs to look something like this:
nmap -Pn -sVC -p- (IP) -o scan
-Pn skips the availability check per ping
-sVC performs a version and a script scan so you get more information
-p- scans ALL ports
-o puts out a file called scan.nmap
If you want you can share that output afterwards for further info.
Edit: You can also try enumerating the directories on the server if you find no content. I can help you with that if you want.
And for the full Linux experience do it at the perfect moment, such as when you’re in a lecture or customer presentation!
As a pentester, if I see XML in HTTP I start crying.
There are wave lengths that you cannot perceive, like, I don’t know… UV, maybe?
That is political ‘info’.
Imagine how many people you could feed if we would just eat what we fed the animals!
Definitely Signals Music Studio. Really great guy and an excellent guitar teacher for harmony and song writing stuff.
He puts out a lot for free so I feel more than justified to send some money his way - his teaching has been instrumental (heh) for my progress and understanding of music.
You need to check out public key cryptography and digital signatures. Those are the basics of Fido.
When the private key is bound to a device it is not possible to fake or steal it through conventional methods. Passwords are the weakest link and an easy target for attackers - passkeys basically solve that.
User adoption depends on implementation, but everything is easier than remembering a secure password or using a password manager for most people. There needs to be an easy and secure way to distribute passkeys across devices, and any backup mechanisms may be a weak point. In any case: still better than passwords.
I had a colleague at work years ago who did his Master’s thesis on network scanning. He ran a PoC in the company’s network and had all the printers print hundreds of pages.
We learned that printers suck and that we should always know our payloads and targets 😁
Check out openvas.
I use Nessus professionally, they are somewhat similar. I can’t decide which one has the worse user interface.
I’m a big fan of hashcat for this use case myself! I route it through WS, however. I like being on the bleeding edge.
Sorry, but you got offended for nothing. OP rightfully pointed out that it’s crucial to link to what you’re talking about… You taking it personally is completely misplaced.
Yes, because dirt and germs stay exactly where they’re left and never move or multiply, and are always completely benign! Lol, I stand by my comment. :)
Also funny that you’re calling basically the rest of the world silly for figuring this out before you.
That’s what you get. Vote with your wallet and boycott the streaming, if not the whole entertainment industry.