Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • Thanks for the recs! I’ll look into these, because I could always go for something light and entertaining, but I don’t really think any medium is “for” anything.

    Like with movies, most of the time I’m looking for something to laugh at to forget my problems, or at least an exciting adventure to get lost in. But sometimes I find something that just punches me in the gut and makes me think about life, and I see that as a positive experience, even if it’s not strictly “fun”.

    I get the backlash, though. I think too many people have held literature up as the only way to be smart, and moreso, held book smarts up as the bare minimum for being treated as a human. I’ve heard it from all sides.

    I’ve been on the opposite end of a pretty similar dynamic, too. I enjoy lifting weights, and people treat it like a virtue instead of a hobby. People say shit like “wow, you’re better than me” or start giving me excuses for why they can’t go to the gym, as if I was judging them for having different hobbies.

    People are pompous dicks about fitness, but I do it because I really enjoy it. People are also pompous dicks about the classics, but I have to assume that most folks are like me. They just enjoy it.

  • Thanks for the suggestions! I gotta make a list when I get home. I haven’t heard of a few of these so that should be exciting.

    The first two or three on that list might take several fits and starts to get through, YMMV, but they are WELL worth the effort, and you will come out the other side changed by the experience.

    I’m anticipating this, not too worried. I have trouble comprehending thick prose, but part of why I’m asking for recs is because I won’t improve if I don’t try.

    I loved having LOTR read to me as a kid so maybe it’s time to revisit it.

  • I have so many fucking OCs but I’m playing a dangerous game, I already don’t do nearly enough to hide my identity on here. If anyone who knows me irl saw me talking about my iconic character [REDACTED], I’d be screwed.

    But yeah I love dreaming up stories and worlds, even though I’ve never really completed a work of fiction 😅 but I always have new drawing ideas or scenarios to entertain myself during a slow workday, by torturing my handmade blorbo.

    ETA what I will say about [REDACTED] is that he was a one-off antagonist from a comic I planned to draw, but I ended up liking him more than the main characters. I hadn’t realized until that point but all my characters were pretty straightforwardly cute or silly. He’s a sleazy, rowdy, unkempt man who likes to cause problems just to feel something. It was so fun to come up with ways for him to be a dick and get himself in danger that I don’t think I’ve created a normal cute protagonist ever since.