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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • I used to call myself a “left libertarian” but to be frank, after learning more I’ve found that “anarchist” fits far better. And there’s a lot of interesting content out there that I enjoy. I’m not sure who all .world has defederated, but the solar punk instance is always great, our mods are great (Midwest social), some people may find them abrasive, but those are people who maybe don’t understand that when you play in someone else’s home, you play by their rules.

    Also: blahaj, beehaw, and even hexbear is usually entertaining, even if I have some disagreements with them.

    The point is, there’s a lot out there, depending on who you’re federating with.

  • Generally speaking I do things myself because it’s cheaper, in that it lets me allocate cash in higher quality versions of things than I would otherwise be able to afford. I grew up pretty poor and that was how my family did things. Car breaks, that’s why you buy a Chilton’s. Appliance isn’t working? You can always order the part for a tenth of what it costs to have the appliance guy tell you what’s wrong. AC quit working? Those capacitors are super easy to replace and only cost $7.

    Now I could pay people to do more things for me, but it’s only under certain circumstances.

    Sometimes it just boils down to something my Dad told me underneath a car (or a house maybe) like 30 years ago: “Nobody is gonna care about your shit more than you do.”

  • These should be USB sticks, but otherwise this is preferable to something like wifi.

    You do not want to stop requiring physical access to avionics for updates and reprogramming.

    The fewer surfaces for entry into the avionics systems the better and if that means an engineer schlepping a database update on a thumb drive to the cockpit that’s what you want.

    I spent the better part of a decade on avionics, and while this as a headline sounds bad it’s one of the few things Boeing shouldn’t be mocked for right now.

  • It’s a surprisingly good comparison especially when you look at the reactions: frame breaking vs data poisoning.

    The problem isn’t progress, the problem is that some of us disagree with the Idea that what’s being touted is actual progress. The things llms are actually good at they’ve being doing for years (language translations) the rest of it is so inexact it can’t be trusted.

    I can’t trust any llm generated code because it lies about what it’s doing, so I need to verify everything it generates anyway in which case it’s easier to write it myself. I keep trying it and it looks impressive until it ends up at a way worse version of something I could have already written.

    I assume that it’s the same way with everything I’m not an expert in. In which case it’s worse than useless to me, I can’t trust anything it says.

    The only thing I can use it for is to tell me things I already know and that basically makes it a toy or a game.

    That’s not even getting into the security implications of giving shitty software access to all your sensitive data etc.

  • Given the history of outside influences on Haiti, I’m not sure how much of this story I buy.

    Could be “violent gangs” torching “civil society” for “their own benefit”.

    Could be “revolutionaries” torching “an oppressive oligarchy” for “the benefit of working people”.

    Both of them would be reported the same way in US, or European newspapers.

    I’m just skeptical when I see “violent gangs” taking over public infrastructure and when one of the “first casualties” of a “bloody uprising” is the Prime Minister who is not in fact dead, just forced to resign and flee the country.

  • Let’s say that the ship is actually sinking, for arguments sake.

    There’s a whole bevy of rats swelling out of those fetid waters, the smart ones jumped ship some time ago, given that there are only two viable options in the United States, where do you suppose that they will go?

    How will that affect composition and policy of those that remain as The SS Trump slips below the murky waters?

  • The “normal” government machine is broken. Attempting to rely on long established norms as guardrails is not something that will turn out well. “The tables could be turned” is not an argument that applies to the current state of US politics.

    The Republican party literally told the Obama white house that they wouldn’t even hold a hearing for his supreme Court nominee (Garland March of 2016) “because the American people needed to weigh in since it was an election year.” Which many people properly identified as complete and utter bullshit.

    Then Republicans went from a nomination on September 29th, 2020, to a confirmation on October 26th, 2020, of Amy Coney Barret, who I’m sure is eminently qualified for the position.

    Less than a month.

    The Supreme Court is effectively meaningless as an institution attempting to maintain a facade of impartiality.

    The “system” as it once existed is gone now. Republicans have been waging a war on public institutions for decades and they’ve won. It’s over.

    Attempting to continue to play by the old rules doesn’t do anything but multiply the effectiveness of the grift.