Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Frankly I use religion and cult interchangeably, there’s not much difference. The main separation is age, really. That means yes I often refer to say, Catholicism, as a cult as well.

    (Edit: And btw, I referred to Masterson’s victim’s unknown religions as “religions,” not “Scientology.” If some of them are scientologists then I suppose I technically did by happenstance, but you pretending you didn’t understand that just because you don’t want to concede that I’m actually right and use it as a personal attack is pretty funny.)

    You can just say you have no idea what it’s like to be seriously abused and move on. Tbh, that’s good, I hope for your sake you never know.

  • Should be? No, nobody should be subjected to that abuse. But she is, and has been since she was born into it. Some things just are whether they “should be” or not. It’s life. I bet if when she was born they said “will you defend our cult against rapists? If no say no and we won’t let you in, if yes say nothing.” She probably would have picked “No” had she not been a literal baby who had yet to learn english. But they don’t, they slowly ramp up the abuse until escaping is at least psychologically neigh impossible.

    You can blame her for being a victim of this cult all you want, it’s not really my fight and my guess is you’ll never understand until you’ve been in a comparable situation (which is hopefully never) so it would be a waste of time. I’ve said my piece.

  • Tbh it’s really hard to reverse brainwashing and conditioning and speak out which means you lose your entire family and friends (that are also in the cult), whether you were raised in it or tricked into it yourself is even of little consequence.

    To expect someone to say “oh hey I got a little professional success now I should by default make my friends and family and entire community hate me and make the most litigious cult mad at me (no way they’d want a piece of the success I’m leaving them for, right?), and go against all the crazy shit I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on trying to become ‘clear’ or ‘OTVIII’ (just to learn what South Park already taught us no less).” isn’t wrong but it is unrealistic. She’ll need a whole ass deconditioning really, or at least it’s something that will take quite a long time.

    Cults are fucked, way more so than you may think, and this whole “why doesn’t she just leave” thing, it’s basically the same question as “why doesn’t she just leave her abusive boyfreind.” Maybe it’s impossible to understand either until you’ve been through one, idk.

  • Honestly if you figured out lemmy you can figure out linux at least enough not to be a 95yo about it.

    Use a distro that is both popular and good for beginners, like Fedora or it’s KDE spin, or Mint. There will be learning, there probably will be troubleshooting, you’re switching from something you’ve always been familiar with to a new thing, it is unavoidable. It’s like moving to Mexico, you’ll need to pick up at least a little Spanish. It’s really not as hard as people make it seem, most questions will be solved by searching the problem and pasting in a terminal command, but it’s good to learn what those commands do over time. It might benefit you to use the computer more often while learning if possible.

    Do it, you’ll be fine!