+1 for FUTO. The keyboard and voice to text is awesome.
+1 for FUTO. The keyboard and voice to text is awesome.
Personal anecdote here: I run 40km/week so that I don’t have to be so picky with my diet. I’m offsetting about 2,400cal from my weekly intake.
That said, I need to be careful sometimes because my appetite can surge and I can easily break even and even surpass being in a deficit. Its just a matter of being aware of how much I’m eating in general and adapting to appetite changes.
That said, when I want a pizza I’m gonna smash that pizza down my gullet lol
A curated algorithm on Youtube is honestly amazing. I get comments about mine all the time when people come over and see it on my TV.
This is the way to be. Any time I see someone else’s feed in YT I almost always cringe in horror at what they’re being force fed. Curate your algorithms folks!
Watch history is useful if you actively curate your algorithm feed. If you don’t engage with the tools the algorithm interacts with you can quickly end up with a free-for-all on your main page.
Well deserved. Honestly, its going to be very hard to top that one.
Kill two birds with one stone. Get two birds stoned at once. 😎
You’ve seen some shit huh?
My fav link in there is “Poop in my freshman dorm experience is essential.”
I’m gonna need a source for this one. Care to share?
Hey, if the pregnant person feels like being a parent would be burdensome that’s a perfect reason not to have a kid. We need present and active parents, not parents that wish they never had a kid.
This is why the right to abortion services is so crucial.
Its not just notifications. Its also them watching entire videos at high volume in waiting rooms, ads and everything. That or its endless scrolling and completely unrelated audio blasts chained together doing literal psychic damage to everyone around.
It drives me fucking NUTS. The worst part is they’re the ones that will be the first to complain about kids these days being glued to their phones.
Eh. Larry was often tiresome but he had some really good jokes every once in a while. I didn’t care much for Engvall. Foxworthy had the occasional zinger too. Ron White was funny as hell though.
It didn’t try to do shit. Its a fucking computer. It does what you tell it to do and what you’ve told it to do is autocomplete based on human content. Miss me with this shit. Theres so much written fiction based on this premise.
I have IBS and yeah, if I can successfully hold it in the urge goes away for a couple hours and a more normal BM is the result.
The challenge is knowing when its worth trying to hold it in. It’s like a 10% of the time kind of thing.
I play both of these games on Steam on Nobara (Fedora) with zero issues.
The only co-worker I have on my team has two kids. She’s an absolute pleasure to work with and is a champ when it comes to getting shit done.
As a result, I go out of my way to ensure that she’s covered when she needs to do things for/with her kids. Mainly because I really don’t wanna lose her but also because she pulls her weight and doesn’t ever take advantage of the situation.
I don’t have kids, don’t want 'em, and don’t really care if anyone else does, but if you’re a good teammate and I can see you’re a great parent too, I’ll support you as much as I can.
For me personally; no excuses. I have nasty ADHD and am very dependent on habit. I have to make a conscious effort to establish any activity as a habit if I want any hope of following through. This forces me to have a ‘no excuses’ type relationship with things like running, my favourite workout activity, if I want to keep it up in the long run.
Yeah I noticed this too. Brutal.