Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • I’ve been very pleased with my factory-seconds Framework 13 (11th gen i7, 64 gigs of RAM and 2TB storage acquired through other channels). Linux support has been basically perfect for me, although there were some kinks earlier on. The Framework 16 might work for you if you need something with a discrete GPU.

    If you want something more mainstream, ThinkPads are often great for running Linux. Not every model is perfect, so I’d recommend doing some research there. The Arch Linux wiki often has laptop specific web pages that show how well supported the laptop is. For example, here’s the page for the Framework 13.

  • I know someone with an issue kinda like this. Some childhood trauma and neglect lead to her forming limerant relationships and made it difficult for her to be platonically friendly with men that she viewed as eligible. Her fix was doing evidence-based therapies like EMDR and healing her fear of being alone/unsupported/unloved. It took her a while, but she’s much better at having platonic friendships with men now.

  • I have some issues with these assertions.

    Assuming we’re talking US law (relevant because it’s Facebook), reverse engineering has been tested in court and is not copyright infringement. It can be patent infringement, but is not necessarily so. That means that clean-room RE efforts like Wine are absolutely above board. If Wine devs haven’t personally seen decompiled Windows code then they’re good to do whatever.

    WindowsFX/LinuxFX/Wububtu/whatever is sketchy. It has problems with trademark and copyright infringement (can’t just yoink MS fonts, they have restrictive licenses). It does not represent the mainstream Linux distro community and is not something people should really be using (or paying for). Their license database with PII has been breached multiple times, as an example.

    ElementaryOS’s DE Pantheon looks and acts like MacOS, but Apple does not hold a patent on an application dock. You generally can’t patent or copyright UX unless you’re doing something really novel (like Apple’s swipe-to-unlock feature back in the day). There’s plenty of prior art that would prevent Apple from patenting most parts of their UI/UX. Pantheon’s theming has a strong resemblance to Apple’s “trade dress,” but I’m guessing it’s distinct enough to not be considered copyright infringement (it’s not a derivative work and wouldn’t be confused for or reduce the market share of MacOS).

    Kali Linux is nothing special. It’s just a Debian derivative with a bunch of pentesting and security tools installed by default. You could install most or all of those tools on Windows or MacOS, and I’m sure many people do. I have personally installed nmap on every computer I’ve owned over the past 10 years. There’s nothing magic about Kali, it’s just somewhat more convenient for people who do pentesting.

    If someone at Facebook thinks this way, I hope they’re disabused of their notions.

    Like, fuck Facebook, I don’t use that shit, but also fuck this weird dumbass decision they’ve made.

  • Oof, I didn’t know that about firejail. I’d heard of it, but I’d never used it. Like, c’mon folks! If you need privilege escalation, either require launching as root (if appropriate), or delegate the responsibility to a small, well-audited tool designed explicitly for the purpose and spawn a new privileged pid. Don’t use SUID. You will fuck it up. If you reach the point where setuid is your only option, then you’ve hopefully learned enough to rearchitect to not need it, or to give up, or use it if you’re, say, someone who maintains a libc or something.

    EDIT: this is overly dramatic, but also it’s not. I personally feel like using SUID is kinda like rolling your own crypto in terms of required competence.

  • I’ve likely had sleep apnea from before that age (I’m in my mid 30s now) and I never snored. I seem to recall that there isn’t actually strong correlation between snoring and sleep apnea, although I could absolutely be wrong.

    More indicative would be nocturnal gasping, waking up frequently, morning headaches and excessive tiredness, and lots of movement at night.

    EDIT: also, weight is not a reliable indicator that one has sleep apnea. When I was diagnosed, I was 5’11" (180 cm) and weighed 130 pounds (59 kg). I was a very skinny man. I’ve packed on a sick beer gut since then without a worsening of my symptoms. Some people just have a shitty throatus that refuses to stay open.

  • I spent several weeks evaluating options and really wanted to use LoRa for controlling some stuff in a detached machine shop, but I just couldn’t find reasonably priced sensors, switches, and gateways (or access points or whatever you call them in LoRa parlance). I seem to recall that one of the major integrations was cloud-polling only which was a huge no-go (same reason I didn’t buy in heavily into Yolink, I require 100% local control).

    Do you use LoRa? I’d love to hear what you use (brands and vendors to buy stuff from) if so. I try to have at least two different technologies controlling an area. That way, my zwave-js-ui pod occasionally shitting the bed won’t completely break an area.