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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2024


  • I didn’t read your whole comment, but from what i did read I can say this is basically the correct answer. The only thing I’d add is to also include nice sentiments and productivity explanations.


    “Hey [person’s name], do you have a couple minutes? I wanna have a quick chat. I wanna let you know that I’m a significant introvert, which means i need alone time and and social boundaries. I think you’re a very nice person and i appreciate all the efforts you’ve made trying to connect with me, but that actually makes things more difficult for me. It emotionally stresses me out, and that in turn also reduces my productivity at work. I think you’re great, but it would be really helpful to me if there were no extra social interactions with me beyond what’s needed for our work to get done smoothly. I know you have good intentions when asking about my personal life and striking up conversations, and i honestly appreciate that intent, but it would be great if I could have social interactions kept to the minimum. I really appreciate your consideration on this stuff, thanks.”

  • “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled”

    After someone has been convinced of something, it’s very hard to convince them that they were wrong because now their ego is on the line. And the longer amount of time they’ve believed what Trump says then the harder it will be to convince them that he’s a lying con man, because they’d have to admit to themselves and their community that they were massively conned. And they would to some degree have to even question whether their entire worldview is wrong.

    Questioning your own ideas and trying to determine if you’ve been wrong about something takes a lot of openness maturity and emotional intelligence, which are things conservatives statistically are not good at

  • For most people under 50 i would guess they cant remember which it was. Even 40 years ago there were lots of arcade games, home game systems, and little portable game devices. So most people under 50 probably can’t remember the actual first one they played.

    But you can answer the question “what’s the first video game that you remember playing?”

    For me it was some atari 2600 game that a much older cousin had, i don’t remember which specific game it was.

  • That seems like a very powerful medication with a lot of effects and side effects that you would only want to use as a last resort. Wiki says it has effects on serotonin and dopamine receptors, which are also receptors effected by zoloft, so if seroquel helps you then you might want to consider switching to zoloft. But honestly what the hell do either of us know, we’re just sharing anecdotes, which is useful but shouldn’t be assumed to be true.

  • That’s not how relativity works. Moving quickly relative to what? The planet might be moving slow relative to the local objects where it began its movement, but the local objects at it’s origination point were also moving at some speed, and the group of objects that the local group was in were also moving at some speed, etc etc. And likewise our sun isn’t stationary, it’s also moving relative to everything else, so you could just as easily say the planet is stationary but our sun was moving very quickly toward the stationary planet. There is no thing as an absolute slow/fast when you’re talking about bodies in space. There are tons of ways that a planet sized object could have a fraction-of-c speed relative to our sun.

    And there are “rogue planets” out there. They aren’t held into any orbital system, they’re just flying free in empty space. So that part is true as well. It would be very unlikely that some of them AREN’T moving extremely quickly relative to the sun.


  • Yeah i WISH i could control when i sleep, but I have lifelong serious problems falling asleep. I’ve tried all the things people talk about - counting sheep, no screen right before bed, melatonin, meditation, exercise early in the day, etc etc. Some of them help somewhat sometimes, but so far there’s no fix. Actually there was one thing that totally fixed it, which was taking zoloft. Taking it at noon everyday completely fixed my lifelong sleeping problems even though it did little to help the depression i had back then. Now that i say it, i think i should start taking it again just because it fixed my sleep so completely.