16 days agoOkay, obvious queerphobia/freedom of expression issues and “how are these malignant societal tumors still on the debunked litter box thing” aside… Do none of these idiots remember that children often role play as animals because they have imagination and they are children? Have they even met children?!? Pretty sure “horse firefighters” or “we’re all evil cats today” etc. are a common type of game played at recess or whatever. They have nothing to do with being a furry and everything to do with just regular human development? Are these people really paranoid and threatened by childhood make-believe games?
Honestly, even if they’ve been personally harmed… They just move the goalposts. “He’s kidding! Oh he isn’t kidding? Well, it won’t hurt/affect me! Oh it did? Well it won’t be for long. Oh it’s permanent? We’ll this is necessary for it to get better. It didn’t get better? Democrat lies, I feel fine. I no longer feel fine? It’s the democrats fault!”
Truest thing trump ever said was that he could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose any votes. This guy could march into their home, murder their family and burn down the house right in front of their eyes and they’d still be saying “if only the Fuhrer knew”.