Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well, for one thing, it’s not clear that DID actually exists.

    But, for the sake of argument, say it does. I think the most reasonable-sounding approach is to say the identity in control at the time has something like usufruct ownership of the body - they can use it, but not damage it, so they better be having safe sex.

    The second situation is pretty straightforwardly rape by deception, depending on how exactly it unfolds.

    I guess slightly related, I’ve always wondered how conjoined twins manage these sorts of compromises. I’m sure it’s possible for one conjoined twin to violate the other’s bodily autonomy by engaging in sexual relationships with other people without their consent (like maybe while they were asleep or weren’t able to control their body) right?

    I have no idea how sex specifically works, but I know of one pair that at least dates. They say they’re really good at ignoring the other and just reading a book. In a lot of ways, it’s not too different from more mundane situations where people are forced into uncomfortably close quarters - like in a shared prison cell.

  • As far as I can tell, they didn’t. J.K is a straight example, but Elon went looking for an edgy movement to align with, and Zuckerberg just wants to stay rich.

    Your everyday regressives want to go after trans people because they don’t think they can take gay people on anymore. Some political movements have capitaised on this to gain their support, and have captured rich supporters as well because trans abuse is compatible with the rich continuing to gain more and more power.

    How rich are the Wichowski sisters? You bet they’re not a fan of any of this.

  • Oh man, I’ve knocked on so many doors where people named the party they were definitely voting for, but didn’t know which level of government the election was on for. Like, they think they’re voting for mayor when it’s actually a federal election, for example.

    That’s kind of extreme, but the fact it’s not rare shows you the level of actual engagement there is. I’ve come to consider public elections as more of a safety valve for when things veer into actual corruption, and am not so sure direct democracy is a good idea at all, anymore.

  • I guess that’s true, if you eat a whole bunch of snow at once you could get too cold - especially if you do it while not moving. If you have a fire, of course this is all a non-issue; just make sure not to light yourself, your surroundings or your container on fire, especially during sleep.

    it’s also generally a good idea to boil water of unknown quality before drinking it to reduce the risk of getting sick, which would be especially bad if you’re lost in the wilderness

    Hmm. Are there known cases of illness known from snow melt? It’s not guaranteed clean like domestic potable water, but I can’t imagine it carries too much by natural water standards, either.

  • And don’t forget ‘rich’, or more importantly, supported by the rich. A national-scale campaign requires resources that a typical organization can’t gather, and to win without such a campaign is miraculous in most systems.

    Well, in countries like mine there’s donation limits (with teeth). Middle class people are the ones you pursue for financing. That’s not really the issue so much as the majority of voters that barely know what they’re voting for - and soundbites or a personal hearty hello at a local event work wonders on them, while actual honesty or competence has little effect.