• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • But these “dumb rich assholes” showed absolutely not one speck of remorse with many of them not even showing up to their trials if I recall correctly.

    That’s just factually incorrect. Whether you believe their statements of remorse and sometimes statements of trauma is something else, but they showed lots of remorse…

    The rest of what you say is based on that first false premise so I wonder if you’ll change that opinion when shown what you based it on was wrong…

    And don’t get me wrong, I don’t have sympathy for these people. But to claim that this group of richer assholes got preferential treatment over this other rich asshole is silly if you’re willing to look at the facts and the sentence justifications…

  • While I agree with the initial sentiment and think there’s definitely issues with the justice system, this isn’t the example. This dude is also rich and more importantly to the court, unrepentant. He’s also misrepresenting what he did. Doxing people isn’t freedom of speech regardless of whether you should like those people.

    And intent is extremely important. The Reuzegom people got convicted for something that was an accident. I think we can all agree on that, no? Yes, they’re dumb, rich assholes who could afford expensive lawyers, but it was not their intention to kill someone. Make them really sick, take stupid pictures, sure. And that should matter. What this rich influencer did, he did intentionally to make money. This also matters. Even this he’s using to make money ffs.

    For profit, intentional lawbreaking without repentance should be punished harsher than accidents. Even if the consequences of the accident is a LOT more severe.

  • If you live in these areas remember that becoming a plasma or blood donor might help lower the PFAS levels in your blood.

    More study is needed but a study on firefighters who are professionally exposed to them showed that it seems to be a significant decrease.

    "Plasma and blood donations caused greater reductions in serum PFAS levels than observation alone over a 12-month period. Further research is needed to evaluate the clinical implications of these findings. "


    Like stated this isn’t conclusive but donating blood or plasma is not normally harmful to you and extremely helpful for society. So please consider donating.

  • Not caring what you do on your pc, within reason, is not the same as not monitoring for dangerous actions that could endanger your network or company (and client data). I don’t care what my colleagues do on their pc either. As long as it doesn’t cause me more work.

    Logging security incidents is work. So we do block a lot of websites and keep an eye on what you try to run. If we see something wrong we just talk to you and explain why we don’t want you to do that. 99,9% of the time everybody is happy after that.

    The idea of this being something you can get fired for or that’s taken into consideration for your evaluation is insane though. We have rights as workers. Keeping the network safe means I can see some extent of what you do. Your boss or their boss has no right to that information unless you state you will continue endangering the network. Even in that case I wouldn’t even tell them the websites tbh.