A digital citizen

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Lol, you are pretty naive if you think it’s that at all.

    Barbecue is literally named for cooking and eating his enemies, do you actually think any respectable country wants to play nice with that kind of guy? Also the guy is completely out to gain power, that’s it, and if the US was willing to deal with him in any positive way he would be singing their praises, because again, it’s not about revolution, this guy is a gangster, he just wants power and control, and legitimacy from the US would mean he’s going to win.

    Also the US has been largely hands off with Haiti for the last twenty years, the US/Haiti relationship is almost as complicated as Israel and Palestine, especially when Haitians make up such a large demographic in the US. Ever since Obama’s administration and the Red Cross scandal US policy towards Haiti has mostly been hands off, which Trump’s administration took drastically further, since Trump’s foreign policy is extremely isolationist, plus all of Trump’s racist and classist bullshit.

    The only Americans causing problems down there rn are criminal gun runners who are working with the criminal element of Haiti, namely Barbecue’s people, to take over the country, illegally and absolutely not democratic. Those criminal Americans should be arrested and tried ASAP.

  • The US bolsters NATO, Taiwan, South Korea, and the rest of our allies, Trump is an extreme isolationist, pro-Putinist, Pro Kim Jong Un, and despite his BS, Pro Xi, if he pulls out of NATO, flips on all of our alliances it will break the current world order, and bolster a world order of fascist tyrants. Trump is also talking about some pretty extreme measures at home, and I doubt we’ll all just take it, loyalties are going to he divided, we’re weak AF right now and primed for a collapse, which will also upset the current world order. Also people may not like the idea of world orders, but what we have is much better than the alternative that guys like Trump, Putin, and others offer.

    The reason why we’ll weather things better under Biden is that he’s competent, surrounds himself with fairly competent people, he’s not an isolationist, and MAGA/GOP are one presidential loss from total collapse, especially now with the Trump’s in full control of GOP finances.

    So yeah, that’s why.

  • There’s just too many misinformed hot heads saying and doing dumb shit while being herded by malicious puppet masters with their own nefarious agendas, and if Trump wins in November each of those dominoes will start tumbling as things degrade. I hope we all see reason but those that are sucked into the various disinformation and propaganda campaigns are basically forming new religions around the objects of those misinformation and propaganda campaigns, and each of those new religions have counter-religions that those same misinformation and propaganda purveyors have also helped to foster and foment, just a really ugly problem to tackle regardless of if things go well in the future.