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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I sometimes wonder if they’re just bad at it, so the astro turfing is obvious. The people posting have to be immersed in and understand the western site to blend in while remaining loyal to a very different kind of home communication and they often don’t manage it, and if they do that difference makes them stand out.

    While we have dozens of western police show up in any discussion of police violence to explain that it’s really hard. Not even astroturfing, I think, just people being themselves. Aside from being obviously police their posting style blends in perfectly, if there were western astroturf campaigns I think they would blend perfectly and use much more subtle techniques

  • Of course they “had ties”, international shipping ownership and flag choice is absolute chaos. You can justify almost anything to almost any vessel.

    Attacking a civilian ship “Once registered in Britain” thousands of miles away from a country you claim to be blockading is absolutely not a valid target it’s an obvious war crime.

    The defence of this shit undermines the entire opposition to Israel, the moral argument for stopping Israel from killing civilians is very clear but when the people arguing for it most strongly see attacking other civilians as perfectly fine the entire case starts to look like just a convenient cover for anti semetism.