if it can actually sense a crash is imminent, why wouldn’t it be programmed to slam the brakes instead of just turning off?
Do they have a problem with false positives?
if it can actually sense a crash is imminent, why wouldn’t it be programmed to slam the brakes instead of just turning off?
Do they have a problem with false positives?
“But humans can do it with their eyes!”
That’s the best part, they kinda can’t.
There are videos from before they pulled the sensors of some pretty cool stuff where teslas slammed the breaks before anything visibly happened, based on lidar sensors sensing trouble a couple cars up the road, completely blocked to vision.
super cool safety tech, and then they pulled it…
one example here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIcC2ZMePKI
super common in Sweden.
there are central heating plants that supply heat for whole communities.
This article is focused on reading them electrically.
I too have heard you can read flash storage with electron microscopes.
How is the hammer supposed to help me memorize the key?
do you mean github or do you actually mean git?
Well, those ones does it at the cost of size. In order to ensure separation they are comparatively huge.
Spotify seem to confuse breaking the TOS with breaking the law.
A guess/suggestion:
You have an app with a private key. The qr code contains data encrypted with the corresponding public key. Your app decrypts the data and transmits it to googles servers, proving you are in possession of the secret key.
you have at your disposal all the tools you need to learn the answer to that question within a minute
That would be great, but AI detection doesn’t work reliably at all.
Here’s a study https://edintegrity.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1007/s40979-023-00146-z#Sec19
a HDD can fail at any given time. It could fail within a week of buying it, could last over a decade.
What I’m saying is, if you have data you don’t want to lose, yes you should be worried. Keeping backups is the only safe option.
thats what happens when short term profit is king I guess
how I imagine this interview:
It isn’t fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it’s got in it’s nassty little pocketsess?
That is some serious fourh wall shit, with the sunlight blurring the subtitles.
I don’t believe automatic swerving is a good idea, depending on what’s off to the side it has the potential to make a bad situation much worse.
I’m thinking like, kid runs into the street, car swerves and mows down a crowd on the sidewalk