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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • the issue here is that the ‘opposition’, for lack of a better word, is thoroughly disinterested in facts. any discussion of the facts is reasonable, don’t get me wrong. but most people advocating against climate change- or anything else, for that matter- are not on about the science or the facts.

    in those cases, the only real way to ‘get through’ to them is find somebody who has some close relationship that holds their respect, and have them talk with them. Beyond that… they’re pretty much goners.

  • Hehe, that might actually have been more of the Uncle’s influence.

    He’s the one that started me on the science fiction addiction- when I got into his (then-complete) collection on VHS. I found them and started. Binge watching them. Got to Trouble With tribbles when I was found out- and then it was my Uncle who was like “oh! That’s my favorite. Rewind it while I go make popcorn!”

  • my first beowolf cluster, I built because I wanted to improve my pentium 486’s chances at doing well in some random FOSS benchmark (PiMark? it calculated pi… and you could ‘donate’ cpu runtime to help calculate more digits of pi.) It was cobbled out of my dad’s spare part’s rack.
    Should have seen my dad’s face when he realied why i built the beowolf… “You mean… you did this. FOR PI??”(“Okay, that’s actually cool.”)

  • First video game I remember playing? Short Order on NES (with the pad.) That was followed shortly by monopoly- also NES.

    First game I beat? was dad’s copy of Zelda (NES,) Which… I wasn’t supposed to be playing. I got caught when I saw my dad was struggling with the water temple.
    “Dad…dad DAD. you go here. get that. Do this. And then do this that and this.”
    “Oh. Cool. wait. how do you know this?”
    “Oh i beat it last week.”
    <awkward pause>
    “you better pay attention. that’s the boss.”
    “We’re not telling mom about this.”

  • the problem with your argument is that it’s a relatively short road trip into states that don’t have strict gunlaws, where criminal organizations are buying cash at gunshows (and without background checks. “legally”.) and smuggling them into california relatively easily.

    In fact, i would suggest your making an excellent argument that GUN CONTROL LAWS WORK!

    Also speaking as someone whose been into 3d printing for ages, I can go to homedepot or lowes or whatever other hardware store, drop around $30-50 dollars on plumbing and hardware and make something that’s fully automatic… . The fact that people are not doing- and haven’t been doing so- suggests either that it is easier to just buy it.


    I mean think about it. It’s easier and less risky for them to do a day trip into arizona or texas, or wherever, and buy it, than it is to anonymously buy a printer and sell them. (or they’re just too dumb.) So clearly, a federal law mandating background checks (and a reasonable holding period to get that to happen,) and closing loopholes around BGC’s seems like a no-brainer solution that would ensure firearms aren’t going into straw buyer’s hands, right?

    As for cleaning things up, you are technically right, we’re past it. But that’s an argument of defeat: any gun control law is better than known. the statistics comparing similar populations internationally compared to US statistics make it blatantly obvious; moreover there are a number of countries that were as bad or worse, that managed it.

    But, republicans seem care more about their guns than they do their children. Until that changes, nothing changes.