How do I buy puts on this?
How do I buy puts on this?
Defending private property is coercion for those who don’t own property.
Now that’s a way to keep your customers coming back!
The question is not “Is life fair?”, but rather “Should we pursue fairness?”
Automation could replace all services, and only property owners would remain.
disinfecting agent - I squish a bit of that inside the toilet bowl and just leave it there. It smells good, and it gets rid of the bacteria.
Is that Pine Sol?
Doesn’t that assume that resources were at one point distributed fairly? If you have all the value, you can devalue everyone else.
It looks like it is on all new or renovated MRIs, which makes this all the more concerning.
Not guilty doesn’t mean innocent.
Whoa, mark that NSFNW (Not safe for not work)
Is it possible to use our applicable data retrieval tools and host the data separately, so Elon can’t hoard it all?
They cannot remove a post’s NSFW tag if it has NSFW in the title.
That’s exactly how people in the US trade also!