Another zinger!
And “shag?” Really? You can curse on the fucking Internet, Mr. Powers.
Another zinger!
And “shag?” Really? You can curse on the fucking Internet, Mr. Powers.
Hey hey Felix! Back with your shit takes again, i see!
Another way of seeing it is they’re pissed about a service not working as advertised.
Examples for your reading comprehension impaired self:
So I look at their docs and they state that safari should be able to play 4k full quality (yk, the thing I’m fucking paying for)
On Netflix’s own fcking website it states that edge should be able to play 4k no issue
Obviously they’re the stupid ones for simply believing what the company stated. Next time they’ll know to ask you for your input first!
They got O’Neill back after an asteroid buried the gate in season… 3? Let the event horizon clear out a cavity, then dig out.
I’ll just leave this here.
We’re talking about a being that causes untold suffering for profit. Aka, a bloodsucker.
You don’t speak for everyone. Kiddo.
You don’t get out very often.
I’m liking the change I’m seeing: fewer CEOs.
Can’t murder a cockroach. Or a mosquito. Or a leach, or a bedbug, or a flea. You exterminate those.
Look around. Read the room. You don’t speak for “everyone,” kiddo.
It’s anecdotal, but i remember those stories floating around the first couple days after, as well.
The same day Thompson was killed Blue Shield backed off their announcement to stop paying for anesthesia during surgery. A healthcare improvement directly tied to that killing.
Between this story and the Alex Jones story, I’m beginning to think judges should also… well, i can’t say what i think should happen and not violate ToS…
Necrophilia: crack open a cold one!