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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • And it’s gonna suck for most of us in a lot of ways. Like I moved up north partially because of politics back in 2014. Now some are eventually gonna follow and move up here as well. Plus, I can’t afford a house. A lot of people can’t afford one. But when more and more people come, we won’t have enough. Unless we see some real, meaningful changes in the way we handle housing, it’s gonna be a shit show.

    I was talking to my mom back in I think 2020 and the subject of the cost of a home came up. I told her how much they are here, and she said me and my boyfriend should move near her and some other family in St Louis. While I would love to be near family, I’m gay. I’m not moving to a red state. And I’m not looking to buy a house I will eventually need to abandon with no one buying it. That’s a lot of money to just lose.

  • I also feel like it’s become more right wing. Or at least now that some people have left, the balance has shifted further to the right. I went on yesterday, and r/WhitePeopleTwitter, a fairly left wing sub, is now having a lot of Republicans. Really killed my desire to go back. It was something I know a lot of people predicted would happen, but still sad in a way to see.

    Edit: Also the fact that the main niche subs I went to are dead. They used to be pretty active, but since they reopened, a lot of users were not happy. So now it’s a post every few days. I think one of the subs just got completely deleted. Sadly they’re not as active here.

  • The medical side to things is definitely a huge step up. On a personal side, I think it would be cool to be able to actually witness history as it’s being made. Sure, we already are, but there’s going to be so much more. I’m a big fan of horror, and one discussion I’ve has more than once with people is “Would you become a vampire if given the chance?” And while the whole drinking blood thing is a turn off, there is the idea of getting to see humanity evolve. If anything, I almost would rather have had that option earlier. Getting to see everything from the mid 1800s to now would be perfect. But they say there’s no better time than the present, so I guess if given the chance, I would actually consider going the immortal route to see everything.

    But the whole financial factor is also the big thing that makes me really question if I could support it. We are already seeing how fucked capitalism can be. And since it would likely only be for the rich for awhile, it would mean they can just take even longer to set up a world for them even more than it already is. Eventually they might start to offer it to us, but it would be more so for working purposes. Line Bezos will provide it to people for free… as long as they work for him. But once they quit, they no longer have it available. So either work 60 hours a week minimum for Amazon, or you don’t get to be immortal.