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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Ask and ye shall receive


  • Not that they’re the same, but this feels like not letting people be strippers because some people may feel degraded by it. I could understand having legislation that provides protections for employees through employer obligations to ensure a safe environment, but ultimately it’s the choice of the individual if they’re okay with the work or not. I don’t have a dog in this fight, but this feels like Japanese conservatism forcing “modesty” on women.

  • If you have the technical knowledge (or ability to follow instructions) you can setup your torrents behind a VPN using qBittorrent and gluetun in one docker container, and Plex/Jellyfin in another with a shared volume between them. It provides you near bullet proof protection due to the isolated environment and prevents accidentally clicking those .mp4.exes since it abstracts file management away from you. It’s also super user friendly once set up even if you’re not running a media server 24/7 and just want it for your desktop.

    If you wanna get fancy you can use the *arr suite of software to do some magic fairy shit including automatic indexing (searching dozens of torrent sites simultaneously), but that can quickly become a deep rabbit hole. Once setup though it’s seamless and kicks ass.

  • That was a pretty interesting read. However, I think it’s attributing correlation and causation a little too strongly. The overall vibe of the article was that developers who use Copilot are writing worse code across the board. I don’t necessarily think this is the case for a few reasons.

    The first is that Copilot is just a tool and just like any tool it can easily be misused. It definitely makes programming accessible to people who it would not have been accessible to before. We have to keep in mind that it is allowing a lot of people who are very new to programming to make massive programs that they otherwise would not have been able to make. It’s also going to be relied on more heavily by those who are newer because it’s a more useful tool to them, but it will also allow them to learn more quickly.

    The second is that they use a graph with an unlabeled y-axis to show an increase in reverts, and then never mention any indication of whether it is raw lines of code or percentage of lines of code. This is a problem because copilot allows people to write a fuck ton more code. Like it legitimately makes me write at least 40% more. Any increase in revisions are simply a function of writing more code. I actually feel like it leads to me reverting a lesser percentage of lines of code because it forces me to reread the code that the AI outputs multiple times to ensure its validity.

    This ultimately comes down to the developer who’s using the AI. It shouldn’t be writing massive complex functions. It’s just an advanced, context-aware autocomplete that happens to save a ton of typing. Sure, you can let it run off and write massive parts of your code base, but that’s akin to hitting the next word suggestion on your phone keyboard a few dozen times and expecting something coherent.

    I don’t see it much differently than when high level languages first became a thing. The introduction of Python allowed a lot of people who would never have written code in their life to immediately jump in and be productive. They both provide accessibility to more people than the tools before them, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing even if there are some negative side effects. Besides, in anything that really matters there should be thorough code reviews and strict standards. If janky AI generated code is getting into production that is a process issue, not a tooling issue.

  • I mean if you have access but are not using Copilot at work you’re just slowing yourself down. It works extremely well for boilerplate/repetitive declarations.

    I’ve been working with third party APIs recently and have written some wrappers around them. Generally by the 3rd method it’s correctly autosuggesting the entire method given only a name, and I can point out mistakes in English or quickly fix them myself. It also makes working in languages I’m not familiar with way easier.

    AI for assistance in programming is one of the most productive uses for it.

  • I’m forever grateful to have been on Kaiser my entire life, and that all my employers have had it as an option.

    It’s expensive up front (~$5k per year, my employer covers it thankfully) but the most I’ll ever pay per year out of pocket is $1500. Office visit/urgent care is $10, ER is $100 and waived if you’re admitted, prescriptions are $20, and the most expensive surgery I could get is $150 which includes the hospital stay if needed. My partner got sterilized for like $35. The biggest thing for me is my therapy is free so long as it is virtual (my therapist is 4 hours away by car anyway), and $10 for an in person visit if I make the hike.

    It’s absolutely wild how much one’s experience can vary with the healthcare system in the US based on their insurer alone.