A lot of the power users in this thread have clearly never heard of “sex sells”.
Also non-zero chance some of these guys might have an association with Mindgeek. Just a hunch, given how easy reddit like sites are to manipulate.
The Lazyest of Banes
A lot of the power users in this thread have clearly never heard of “sex sells”.
Also non-zero chance some of these guys might have an association with Mindgeek. Just a hunch, given how easy reddit like sites are to manipulate.
I was going mostly off how I’ve delt with addictive behavours in my life and how casualised therapists like Healthy Gamer explain how dopamine works.
It’s also worth noting that this user also posted about lacking motivation to even play video games at this point, which if they’re using masterbation as an easy dopamine crutch it could explain where there motivation to do anything else is going.
But yeah, I didn’t prepare academic level citations for my lemmy post I made during a lull at work.
Easy dopamine isn’t a good thing. Dopamine is finite but renewable, so if you run through all your dopamine on easy hits your going to end up having motivational issues.
And if your constantly chasing short term Dopamine hits your brain is going to adjust to seek behavours that give instant gratification over somthing that’s just as rewarding, more productive for your personal or professional life, but takes longer to get that dopamine.
By all means deal with your libido in anyway that doesn’t hurt the people around you, but maybe retiring the wankers cramp for a bit might do you good once in a while.
Facts don’t always say what you want them too. Options can easily be curated for on the other hand.
It’s not like remainers ever put up a convincing argument prior to losing the referendum.
Turned voting age on the referendum, visited our predominantly working class school, only ever brought up cheaper phone calls abroad as to why they should vote to remain.
Brexit only had pull out the weakest reasons to leave becuase they were the only ones who took the referendum seriously.
Fair point.
Is the US intelligence that good?
It just seems that in USA it’s self they can know about a guy whose been calling for help because he’s on the verge of shooting up a place and they don’t do nothing about it until they start shooting things up. US intelligence seems incredibly dysfunctional and if they can’t sort things out at home I don’t know how they would figure these things out abroad.
Isn’t it convenient how every time the US or Israel bombs civilians they automatically know they we’re secretly terrorists the whole time?
A lot of Christians have a pretty vague understanding of the bible, or the religion as a whole, usually jusy what will let them justify whatever they need to be justified.
This should be expected, to be fair, since Christianity is a cultural inheritance. You’re not expected to know much about it other than what your priest tells you, if the Christian even goes to church to begin with.
I take it English is a second language for you, comrad.
As a European, its funny watching these guys talk about “Europe” as this pure implementation of their motorphobic utopia.
A lot of us still drive daily yanks!
Our government can’t pay doctors, but it can give away trillions to private corporations and constantly raise the pay of politicians.
Ideologically, de-federating an instance just because you don’t like the guy running it would be a bad thing, but Facebook/Meta has been just so toxic to the internet as a whole it’s hard to really find fault with it.
This is the most obvious “blackmailing bi-curious men” scheme I’ve ever read. Just say it Omeggle with consenting adults.