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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • As a Californian, do not look to our state for police reform. IMO the best example is Colorado removing qualified immunity. Discipline doesn’t work and the system refuses to jail their own, so you gotta hit them financially. Bankrupting shitty little town police forces either forces reform or kicks authority up to the state, which is more regimented in its regulation. Either way it’s putting bad cops out of a job.

    Honestly legal immunity needs to go as a concept. It might be annoying for judges to fight off lawsuits, but fuckem. They’re paid damn well and they have the time. Judges are public servants, not public sovereigns. Some of them need to be reminded of this fact, and lawsuits are a good way of opening crusty conservative eyes. And the entire civil suit system needs to be simplified into plain English so that the average citizen can use it. This legalese fuckery was designed from the start to disadvantage uneducated people. That’s downright un-American. The ruling class has forgotten that this is the land of the free, not the land of the fee.

  • Naw I want everything to die in that area. We used to grow ivy out back but tore it all out when it started to climb the fences and cause ddamage. Now its decorative gravel with planters full of succulents on top. As for candy soil, we have clay just under the topsoil, which I’m thinking will hold the salt in place nicely. However, I do want to kill the roots under my side of the fence. It’s already starting to lift the patio slab and I want to stop it before it breaks up the concrete like their patio. We’ve tried a couple lawyers but nobody even wants to consult us when we explain it’s a condo with a HOA on unincorporated land. I don’t even know what kind of lawyer covers that, because it’s obviously not any of the ones we’ve talked to.

  • Ofc. The tree has been a problem for years. It was planted by the previous tenants about 10 years ago, and they actually dug up their sapling and took it with them when they moved out. Enough of the roots remained that the tree grew back over the years, e last 5 years or so have taken care of it. Now it’s too big and needs arborist services, but the landlord won’t pay. Our HOA won’t pay. We paid the HOA arborist once to cut the tree over our property line and we were threatened with legal action. We’ve just had another argument the other day and we’re told if it’s over the line, it’s our problem. Thus, I want to kill everything over the line. I want to salt our side of the fence to even saplings can’t take root. It’s already decorative gravel anyways. I just want to know what concentration of salt I need to kill everything on my side and make sure it won’t grow back.

  • I don’t think the city can do anything about a condo on private property on unincorporated land. It’d have to be the HOA or county, and I don’t know how I’d even approach the county about it. The HOA is run by 90yo homebodies who don’t care about anything they don’t have to look at. We’ve made multiple complaints about their fences falling down and pulling our fences with them. No response. We bring up the concrete and we’re told it’s a landscaping problem, who ofc point us right back at the hoa.