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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • I’ve voted in every election that’s taken place since I was old enough to. When it comes down to it, I’d still vote for biden, because I agree, having the democratic party in charge is way better than having the republicans in charge.

    However, that also gives me pause. Because you shouldn’t be able to run on “hey I’m not as shitty as the other guy”

    That’s what I hate about the two party system. Democrats by and large are not progressives. They prop up the current system just as much as anyone else. There needs to be an actual progressive party, and massive caps/bans on lobbying

  • Maybe instead of always forcing us to vote for the lesser of two evils, the democrats should take a second, listen to their base, and actually run someone competent.

    Because right now, there is zero difference between how the republicans would handle this genocide and how the democrats are handling it. Both parties are in the pockets of oil companies and billionaires, and don’t want a change to the status quo.

    Yes voting democrat is marginally better, but it’s not as vast a chasm as people like to make out. The system itself is broken - fucking around in the system isn’t going to fix it. It needs to be smashed and then rebuilt back up

  • I don’t think it’s that simple, especially for people of colour, and especially for those with Arab and especially Palestinian heritage.

    America hasn’t been great to us ever. Since 2001 it has gotten distinctly worse for us.

    A lot of us have family who are being or have been bombed by the US indiscriminately. The US and Joe Biden is funding a genocide. That’s not made up. That’s not a joke. The US is more upset that the Houthis raised global shipping by a couple percent than they are that the ally that they give the most money to has killed north of 25000 defenseless people in three months.

    I agree that voting for trump is going to make it worse for everyone, which is why I will still vote for Biden. But I voted begrudgingly for him last time, because I knew he was fake, and not really liberal. He hasn’t stood by a single campaign promise he made. If a legitimate, liberal, left wing third party came up, I would vote for them immediately. Choosing between one racist piece of shit and a more racist, more orange piece of shit is not a great choice.

    Again, I agree that trump would be a million times worse for brown and black people. But I get why a lot of Arab Americans and black Americans are fucking tired of it, and want to make a point to the DNC. That same party that is not a left wing party or a liberal party, that is completely bought out by corporations (ex. See how they fucked Bernie in 2016), and that will turn around and blame brown and black voters for not delivering them the white house when literally over half.of white women and white men want Donald Trump.

    A lot of the people I’ve spoken to now are done. This was never really our country and politicians have made it even more obvious that it isn’t. So the idea that a lot of people have now is “well fuck it, why should we vote to save this country when the people who run this country keep.fucking it up and especially fucking us over. It’s time for whitey to do his/her part if they actually care, and if they don’t fuck it, we will leave”

    It’s not about growing up, it’s about being tired of being second or third class citizens. The only reason this is getting such a big shout-out now is because the policies are finally starting to affect white people, white women in particular. And yet somehow.still over half of them want trump in.

  • If half the people in the country are too fucking dumb to understand basic level stuff, we just gotta go to playground insults

    That’s the level of education we’ve got going on here. If it works to get a fascist out, fantastic. On the other hand, the Democrats are, in the end, no damn different from the Republicans. A bunch of racist old white people who don’t actually care as long as they get their money. Both parties should be taken out and this should be more than a two party system