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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I feel like it might show them that doing nice things is a way to get attention. Maybe that’ll encourage them to do nice things. Is probably more favourable than influencers that teach doing mean things is ok because it’s on camera or it’s funny or just a joke, and that being mean is a way to get attention. Though its important for children to know that attention isnt everything.

  • SAME its happened on Reddit where I would have a back and forth w someone where we disagreed but it was respectful, and then in the middle of it I’d notice the other person’s comments being -1 even new ones. Meaning someone who isnt in the convo would start downvoting the other person, and I’d be like ‘what if they think I did it? What if that damages a mutual understanding they were close to reaching? What if that turns them off from considering a different point of view bc they assume I’m doing it and that I’m hostile?’ Then sometimes I’d be like “sorry someone is downvoting you its not me”

  • Yea tbh i respect it, ive been off twitter for like a year it was just nsfw posting anyway. but people are like “switch from that thing to this thing” then like “why did u expect this thing to be like that thing?!” like ??? Bc u claimed it was an alternative? So no wasnt expecting something so different. Would u expect a sugar alternative NOT to be sweet? If u bought a sugar alternative and it was just straight up salty youd be pretty surpised no? Ya it might not taste exactly like sugar but is pretty close and can be used the same way usually. Thats what makes it an alternative not just something else. I dont mind much tho bc like I said i wasnt even that active on twitter and it was just for posting nsfw not really following ppl or stuff.

  • Afaik - feel free to correct me - this is charging companies for when they show ppl the news content on their platforms bc when that happens theres no reason for people to go on the news site, so they dont, and those companies just profitted (or at least prevented the news sites from profitting) off info that someone else wrote. Is like if u look up “lemon nutrition facts” and then all the info is just right there, sometimes you can see in the corner or bottom a link to the website that info came from but a lot of people wouldnt even go onto the site because Google already showed them the info. So thats why this was done i think ?? I think something like this was tried in Australia too and Google didnt like it then either. But idk if it went through.

  • It’s in line with other behaviour he showed tbh. Like he acted like rules, regulations and warnings are kind of pointless or at least are overly careful. So probably he thought “this still works, it isnt broken so they’re probably just not using it because they’re overly cautious.” Or MAYBE he thought “well its only gonna be used for a few hours at a time, and by the time it gets too bad to use i will have made enough money to buy better and make a replacement.” On news on TV a reporter said that guy told he wanted to be an astronaut before but was not allowed bc of his eyesight?+ Maybe that was a regulation that he thought was “pointless,” stopped him from doing what he really wanted, and he just never got over it. Which is a bit sad if so but not excuse…

    Weird is some people who are alive who like him being like “nooo he was always so careful about everything how could this happen.” I think he was just good at rationalizing his actions and explaining them in a way that convinced those people but that doesn’t mean he actually was using a perspective of safety even if he framed it that way.

    +(Interview from 2017. Funny is back then he said the price is like 105,000 dollars per person, which less than half of what those people paid the last time. Also in the interview he didnt say why he didnt get to be an astronaut, it was a reporter who said he told him he didnt get to because of his eyesight but in this interview he just said that he wanted to be an astronaut but this is like exploring another planet and he wanted to for his whole life.)