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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yeah screw those people being able to be happy and move to an area that doesn’t bend them over almost definitely worse than you. What assholes! They should have to stay in the downtown centers and pay $15 million to live in an old phone booth with a sink.

    This has the same energy of people being pissed off with student loan forgiveness or something. “If I had to deal with it, so should you! I can’t be happy so you can’t either blah blah”

  • The way I’m reading it (and I could absolutely be wrong here) but it sounds like he might be saying he has the money now thru hard work and tan lotion or whatever the hell. Not that he always had it. That would still cause problems but not nearly as much as if he is saying he always had it. Cause then he basically lied in court under oath which is obviously a no no.

    But if he’s saying he like hit the ground and made some shrewd genius business moves to raise the money quickly or something I don’t think that would cause a ton of problems. And I could easily see some moron rich people getting together and just giving him the money or something

  • Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that… It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen in a long time and it’s strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it’s crazy

    He even says

    “Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized.”

    Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda

  • good lord. yes, i know about the 14th amendment. that’s why he’s not on the Colorado ballot. The problem is (like a ton of things in the constitution) it is outrageously vague. It doesnt clarify who is supposed to invoke it, or when, as in before or after a person is elected. the state court could use it, or congress. If the state uses it, it can easily be appealed to supreme court (which it already has in this case, and more than once). The supreme court since 1866 has still never ruled on the meaning or application of the insurrection clause. It has been used before, but (to my knowledge) only three times prior. One was via impeachement, one was just after being elected, one was barred from running. The impeached guy was a judge and never tried to run again. The other two appealed the 14th amendment ruling to the supreme court, they both won, and both ran again and both took office. All that to say, it is not a sturdy leg to stand on and certainly doesn’t make it automatically illegal for someone to run. If it did, he would not be running. If the supreme court votes that the 14th should be invoked then it would be illegal. Lastly, i would urge you to calm the fuck down man. Damn. You all are ornery as fuck around here. I don’t like the man any more than you do but i am just stating the law. As it stands at this very moment, the idiot can legally run.

  • lmao who in the holy hell am i apologizing for? I’m just saying you would think the american voters would never in a million years vote for someone like trump. You would think that it wouldn’t matter if he was on the ballot because he is so far from adequately filling the station of president that the american voters wouldn’t even give that candidate a second thought on account of… well pretty much everything but let’s go with criminality. the fact that he needs to be barred otherwise he would win the election or come very close is absolutely bonkers. Also, the fact that you not only disagree with the fact that the crux of the problem is the american voter simply cannot be trusted while also calling that apologizing for trump is so crazy

  • yep, and this is one of the arguments that bothers me the most. I’ve had numerous discussions with republicans that go something along the lines of “well both sides do it” or “it’s only because a republican did it” and that drives me up a wall. It’s like i don’t hate political assholes that do stupid stuff because they’re republican. I just hate political assholes who do stupid stuff… democrat or republican i don’t care. If there’s proof that they did stupid illegal crap, they should all be punished. i don’t get why this is difficult to grasp lol.

  • Lol so you’re telling me in the last 300 years (and I have absolutely no idea where you’re pulling that time frame from) not one single conservative has ever changed or learned from their mistakes. 100% of them are just pure evil and “delight in the misery, oppression, and death of others.”

    On top of that you’re also saying these are core values of these people, meaning the same holds true for any current and future conservatives. They’re all pure evil and utterly incapable of change or learning anything… Permanently.

    I not a fan at all of conservatives by and large but I know plenty level headed non-bat shit crazy conservatives and (to my knowledge) they do not hold a party any time people die or someone gets oppressed lol.

    This doesn’t sound the least bit strange to you?