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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The thing about making it a holiday is interesting. Everyone in the service industry would be forced to work, probably extra hours as well. Because here any holiday means people who are lucky enough to be middle class and above will be consuming, especially eating out or ordering food in.

    I’d prefer mandatory voting like Australia but with ballots mailed to everyone automatically. Make it as easy as possible.

  • This is not my understanding of the class system. It’s not divided evenly mathematically. Many years ago, this was most likely the case, but I would argue that unless you’re at least in the top third percentage for income, you probably aren’t living a “middle class” life. Features of what we used to call middle class, and I argue still should, are things like owning a home, going on vacations, and having a retirement account.

    Reducing the idea of middle class to statistics normalizes things like living paycheck to paycheck because that’s what median income earners in this country do. That will never be middle class to me. That’s working class at best and more like working poor. I would love for everyone to have what I think of as a middle class life, but it’s sadly out of reach for most of us.

    Middle class is not median income. It is a lifestyle that is enabled by income that fewer and fewer people can attain.

  • I would be yelling out every 15 minutes or so when it got really bad- “carryout times are now 40 minutes. Delivery times are now an hour and a half.” And the people we had on phones because they were incapable of making food properly are telling customers yeah it’ll be ready in ten minutes. It’ll be there in 30 minutes. I trained them and emphasized in crew meetings that the absolute minimum time if we are completely dead will be 15 minutes for carryout and 45 minutes for delivery. They didn’t care. They worked their 4 hour shift and went home. Can’t blame them for not caring but damn have some empathy for your comrades.

    Nurses would regularly call and immediately ask for me. Because they want to place fifteen different orders all for cash. This would fuck everything up and be late at night when I’m half of the kitchen staff. I’m on the phone with them for 10 minutes. 10 minutes at 30% production actually will fuck a restaurant. Not to mention it screwed our ticket average which meant I’d never get a bonus. The driver would get there and they’d hand them a wad of cash. It could have been done in two minutes as one order but they wanted each person’s food to have their name on the box.

    I began to dislike nurses at that job. Now I work with them regularly as a hospital installation contractor. Now I hate them. Sorry to the nurses out there who aren’t burned out and care about their patients.

    I actually heard this interaction between two nurses the other day that restored some faith-

    Nurse A- I can’t find an iPhone charger do you have one?

    Nurse B- No I don’t have one and no I don’t know where one is

    A- How do you charge your phone then?

    B- I don’t have to because I work instead of staring at it all day.