I had never been in court, but would assume that when you are called to appear into court, you are not given zoom link just in case. Right?
I had never been in court, but would assume that when you are called to appear into court, you are not given zoom link just in case. Right?
Pointing on hypocrisy often called whataboutism, but it is still valid consideration.
I suspect back then, when original quote was created, most, if not all, opium accessible to the public was natural and not a synthetic opiate. To translate it to opiate is likely incorrect then. That’s why I was a bit confused by correction “opiate”.
So, opium was fine?
What’s the difference? Serious question.
Religion is the opium for the masses. Nothing new here, really.
I still use Winamp 5.5 or something, before it became bloated. Still kicks the same ass. Llama’s
That’s technically correct.
I don’t know how to answer your question about the donkey, but the cross was erected.
I do not see circles, I see one ellipse with horizontal large axis.
It is much more likely to find Trump in DC, than abroad. That was the motivation to my my question.
What about DC as opposed to a state?
That’s because you are doing theonion, and you are not supposed to.
Fire. The rest followed.
Which territory US captured or wanted to capture?
USSR was one of many.
That does not compare advancement in pharmaceuticals at all. It only say that it has good healthcare system. Which I agree is better than in US in coverage, but that’s it. If US had universal healthcare, it arguably would be better, but it says nothing about the need to drop IP. To my knowledge US pharmaceuticals is simply leading in the world, not even comparable to Cuba. Again, comparison with USSR would be better, at least they were of comparable size, and this comparison is still in US favor by large degree.
Define “good”. If you define as equity, then yes, I agree. Nearly everyone was equally repressed in socialist countries. Realizing freedom and human potential, no. Democratic capitalism is better.
No true Scotsman fallacy.
I will also argue that with human nature as it is, building socialism without totalitarianism is not possible. Or without mind control.
The fact is that totalitarian socialism is the only one that was possible to realize.
Yes, but this is agreed in advance, not “I am late, let me call”