• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Good morning (It’s still Morning in Perth so Nyer)!

    Baku is right - the tram is in fact still there. What’s happening here is your phone thinks it has the image cached, and so isn’t loading it from the web server - instead displaying a local version of it. Only there’s a problem with that local copy of the image. If you visit https://aussie.zone/c/melbourne in your browser you’ll see that the tram is there.

    What app do you have there? I thought I had all the main Android apps (Boost, Connect, Jerboa, Voyager and Sync), but none of them seem to match this screenshot. Whichever it is, you’ll want to find a setting to clear the local cache. You can clear the cache from Android settings, but that will probably clear your account and make you log in again.

    Bit drastic, but I suppose I could upload a new icon. Your phone would recognise that it doesn’t have the new one in its cache and would load it. That would affect everyone though. Then again, maybe its time to upgrade from a W class to a Z class tram? 😀

  • This right here is one of the major reasons we left Melbourne. We were on our own there, without any family support.

    To answer the question: One of us usually takes personal (carers) leave. Sometimes that isn’t possible, so we ask grandparents or my sister to help us out (if safe/not contagious). What often happens is that one of us is sick also, having caught whatever pestilence the child(ren) introduced to the house anyway.

    Don’t send the kids to daycare if they’re sick. You’ll just be lumping this hassle on other families. I was always resentful of parents who did that.

  • I think it was mostly money well spent. My biggest complaint was the Stan editing team didn’t bother editing the field events, like at-all. The Pole vault competition for example could have been edited out to under an hour if they cut all the waiting around, but they didn’t bother. Same with pretty much all the jumps and throws. Most of them also had no commentary. No editing at all - just the raw feed.

    Same story with many of the less popular events. Just the base feed. This wasn’t always bad, though - in fact I’d like the option to turn commentary off sometimes.

    My best Olympic experience was when I had access to the British iView service during the London Olympics. It was like what we had with Stan: Every event live or on-demand, ad free. But the interface was loads better. That’s probably the other bad thing about Stan - the Interface sucked sometimes. They did try, to be fair. But finding some events was just not doable. I wanted to find the final Archery match between India and Canada - I never did.

  • I would probably watch some of it if it didn’t cost another $27. I’ll have to satisfy myself with the YouTube highlight clips.

    We paid the $27 for the Olympics on the day of the opening ceremony, so our month runs out the day before Paralympics starts. It isn’t only the money, we honestly have overdosed a bit in the house for sport. The kids have gone to bed late pretty much every night over the last two weeks. We justified it a bit with “it’s only a couple of weeks every four years”.

  • I think my sports itch has been soundly satisfied for a while. That was a fantastic Olympics. We were in third place on the medal talley right up until the Japanese wrestlers wiped the floor with everyone over the weekend.

    The heartwarming little video of the US Long Jumper and her husband got me to wondering how many similar stories were untold among the Ten Thousand athletes. A couple of the Marathon Walkers kissed at their introduction. Because they’re engaged.They keep talking about the thousands of condoms issued to athletes in the village, but some of those hookups turn into something more. It’s all very sweet. I love how positive the tournament has been in general.

    Anyway, I still have a few events left to watch - probably tonight/tomorrow night. Maybe the Closing ceremony. Then I’ll go back to not really watching sports all that much any more. At least until the 2026 World Cup.