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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • They’re not “taking advantage of a rookie”. They’re in cahoots. I will guarantee you she sees an opportunity to angle this into a possible appointment higher up the judicial food chain if Trump gets re-elected, and wants to make sure Trump gets the hint that if she gets an appointment, she’ll continue to run even more cover for him. And I guarantee you that Trump has already let her know that he intends to do that just so he can have another stooge higher up the food chain in his pocket.

    This is all deliberate. She’s not even trying to hide it. She doesn’t have to. She knows there’s zero chance she’ll be removed from the bench for it, and if Trump wins the election it won’t matter anyway and she’ll be set for life. Even if her reputation is ruined and she ends up resigning in disgrace, the right-wing-talk-show circuit is quite lucrative these days, and I guarantee you that NewsMax or OANN would scoop her up in seconds. She knows that too.

  • Judge: “Don’t do the thing or there will be serious consequences.” Trump: Does the thing anyway. Judge: Does nothing. Trump: Smirks.

    Judge: “I’m serious this time. Don’t do the thing again or there will be serious consequences.” Trump: Remembers what happened last time, does the thing again anyway. Judge: Does nothing. Trump: Smirks.

    Judge: “I’m super duper serious this time. Don’t do the thing again or there will be serious consequences.” Trump: Remembers what happened last time, does the thing again anyway, says “what are you going to do about it?”. Judge: Backs down, Does nothing. Trump: Smirks.

    Judge: “I’m super duper serious this time. Don’t do the thing again or there will be serious consequences.” Trump: “Fuck off, I’ll threaten anyone I want.” Judge: Backs down, does nothing, again.

    The next judge: “That’s it, this is your final warning!” The media: “The courts are sick of this! They’ll put a stop to this next time!” Everyone else: Presses X to doubt. Trump: “Fucking lol.”

  • No, they’re afraid for their lives.

    Districts have to beef up security when the DA makes a press briefing. Judges are receiving hundreds of death threats and have to hire their own security. Law clerks and random employees being dragged into it and threatened because trump thinks they’re an easy target. Random low level officials having their lives ruined because they were randomly targeted. This is the life of trying to hold trump to account. Government officials admitting being unwilling to vote, speak out, or take action against him out of credible threats of retribution from lone wolf meth heads.

    Given the political powder keg this country is currently in, it’s not surprising that there are few judges out there willing to pull the trigger and risk having to go into hiding for their own safety versus just giving him what he wants and washing their hands of the whole thing, which seems to be the current game plan for most judges.

  • There are no legal problems with the case against Trump, and his lying about property values is well documented. They are definitely not going to vacate the judgement.

    How many times have we heard this already? “They’re not going to do the thing. If they do the thing, that’s just a bridge too far even for them. Not even they will do the thing to protect Trump.”

    Courts: does the thing. Lawmakers: do the thing. GOP voters: do the thing. Trump: gets away with it.

    Everyone else: Surprisedpicachu.jpg

    Trump is facing 91 counts in four criminal trials:

    • A hush money case where Trump is in little legal peril, is based on shaky legal theory, and puts him at no political risk. And the DA has already caused two delays with their handling of their own evidence.

    • A RICO Case in Georgia, by far the most important criminal case in the country and easily the most important case in Fani Willis’ career, and she throws the entire case into jeopardy because she cannot keep her personal and professional life separate. (I am not admonishing her for her personal life choices or actions, but when you have a case of this importance to both the nation and your personal career against this defendant, then you should be doing nothing to even give yourself a sniff of conflict of interest, impropriety, or ethics concerns.)

    • A stolen documents case in Florida being overseen by a judge who was appointed by Trump, has already repeatedly overstepped her authority to run interference for Trump, has deferred to Trump at every step of the case so far, and has openly stated her intentions to dismiss the case after jury selection has begun so double jeopardy attaches and the dismissal can’t be appealed.

    • A Jan6 case in DC that is currently on indefinite hold while the Supreme Court (3 of which were appointed by Trump himself) decides to wait a couple of months before ruling on whether or not Trump is an absolute dictator that is above the law and I wish I were making that up.

    Where’s the accountability? And when (not if, when) the $464m award gets tossed out because fuck you thats why, will you continue to believe Trump will ever be held accountable for his actions? Because we have 8 years and counting of history to show that the answer to that question is “No”, and those who are responsible for that accountability seem gleefully willing to bend over backwards to avoid giving it to him.

    Until the day I see either Trump or Mar-A-Lago slapped behind a padlock, I will continue to refuse to believe he will ever be held to account.

  • Oh, they’re not pretending. They know he should be in jail.

    The problem is that in many of these cases, one of two things is happening (Both have been repeatedly documented): One is that Trump polls so far ahead of them in their own districts that any attempt to rein him in is literally political suicide. Attempts to do so have led to prominent members of the GOP ranging from Paul Ryan to Liz Cheney to Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romeny all choosing to leave congress rather than having the embarrassment of being primaried by a MAGA nut forced upon them, which exactly is what happened to virtually every GOP underling that tried to speak out.

    The Republican party is Trump’s party now. You’re either in lockstep with him or will get run over by him. You will give your loyalty and get none in return. Those are your options.

    The other is that Trump has successfully managed to paralyze the entire government under the threat of violence. Many have gone (anonymously) record saying they refuse to vote or speak out against him out of fear for their own or family’s safety (a key reason why more Republicans didn’t vote for his removal from office). Judges and DA offices have been bending over backwards to defer to Trump and not piss off his base out of fear of rioting. The specter of another January 6th looms over this election. Political and bigoted violence is up several hundred percent.

    This is where we are. Those in charge have decided that allowing Trump to just run roughshod everywhere is at least less shitty than dealing with the fallout of trying to deal with him at the risk of your own or your community’s safety in an attempt to hold him accountable that has almost no chance of succeeding in the first place. I’m not saying I agree with it. I’m just saying where their heads are.

  • Fuck I hate having to defend these assholes but if we’re going to call them out on their bullshit it needs to be accurate. The quote is slightly taken out of context because he was inexplicably trying to dodge a question that wasn’t presented to him.

    Take a look at the rest of the stuff he’s been known for saying. From the article:

    • “The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,” he wrote on Facebook in December 2017.
    • He also wrote, “I am REALLY sick of feminism and feminist. They are just as bad, if not worse, than racist.”
    • There’s plenty more to revisit with Robinson’s attacks on women, including calling them “whores,” “witches” and “rejected drag queens.”
    • There’s also his record of quoting Adolf Hitler, fanning Islamophobia, saying trans people should be arrested for using bathrooms, casting doubts on the Holocaust and spreading countless dangerous conspiracy theories.

    Sure, he was trying to dodge a “gotcha” question, but his answer falls right in line with what he’s been saying for years anyway. His statement is completely in line with his other stated beliefs.

  • And this time, they may actually follow through.

    Fucking lol no they won’t.

    Moving abroad is insanely expensive, getting citizenship in another country is insanely difficult, and most people don’t have the skills that other countries would want, nor the resources necessary to make the move. The amount of people who have the resources to do it and the willingness to follow through wouldn’t qualify as so much as a rounding error, let alone enough to get anyone to take notice.

    Regardless of what your opinion is on our immigration laws (legal or otherwise), our laws are basically an open-borders policy when compared to every other country on the planet with similar economic prosperity. People act like you can just pack up and move to Canada or something on a whim over the weekend. Not gonna happen.

  • And this is why the Republican party is gone.

    Every single noteworthy member of the party has either been voted out of office, or in many cases voluntarily stepped aside rather than suffer the embarrassment of an election defeat. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, just to name a few. I’m not saying I’m a fan of any of them but they all essentially saw their influence in the party vaporize at the hands of Trump and were all basically forced out of politics in various ways. The problem is that, at the end of the day, they stepped aside willingly. They continue to support the man that led the charge to force them out of office, and the party that did nothing to help them but stand back and watch it happen. They stood up and spoke their peace about Trump and how bad he is for the country, while also stepping aside and continuing to endorse the man and the actions they were speaking out against.

    Their response to essentially losing their jobs to even more MAGA crazies is to thank the man responsible for it and ask for more. Even in defeat, these spineless cowards thanked their abuser and asked for more. And all there is coming up the pike are people who are lining up for exactly the same thing, thinking that they will be the special case that Trump won’t abandon the nanosecond it suits him. So the cycle continues.

  • This should be a surprise to nobody; the courts have been largely bending over backwards to accommodate Trump.

    The supreme court just ruled that either the 14th amendment requires an act of Congress, despite no such requirement listed in the constitution.

    Then you have Cannon, who has gone out of her way to rule in Trump’s favor, up to and including the implication that Trump actually is above the law, and has shown she is hellbent on continuing to do so.

    The supreme Court is also throwing Trump another bone by delaying his dc trial by 2 months, essentially giving Trump the win by running out the clock instead of ruling on presidential immunity.

    The stormy Daniels case is of little legal and even less political consequence, as the case is weak already and Trump is not considered at significant risk.

    The GA case is likely to get derailed because Willis couldn’t keep her personal and professional life separate, and her handling of the affair puts her credibility in doubt.

    At least we have the civil judgement. At least, until Trump finds another judge willing to throw that out too.

  • I actually consider this a very big win for Trump.

    Literal decades of fraud that netted him billions in profits and he only has to pay back $300 million.

    Little decades of fraud, and he’s only banned from being an officer or director for 3 years. He gets to keep everything else.

    Once again a very rich person got away with decades of crimes and only had to give back a portion of the profits. $355 million is only a small portion of the money he has made in the past four decades.

    Guy should have been forced to cough up the full 375, and then permanently banned from doing any more businesses in the state. Anything else is a gift.

  • The theory is this:

    Wade was hired for the sole purpose of prosecuting Trump. Both he and Willis were (I could be wrong on the number here, but you get the idea) over $600,000 during their time in the investigation. This $600k was used to fund (among other things) a trip to Belize and other vacations, along with billing the GA DA’s office for expenses that occured during these trips that should have been personal. Had they not “gone after Trump”, they would not have earned the $600k they have been using to fund their affair.

    He’s basically saying that the entire prosecution is just an elaborate scheme to fund and cover up a personal affair. Normally, this would and should be written off as irrelevant nonsense, but their testimony yesterday does show that they had an ongoing affair and played all sorts of shell games with money to cover it up. Trump very easily could walk away from the entire case on a technicality because Willis couldn’t keep her personal and professional life separate, couldn’t avoid the appearance of impropriety, and refuses to step aside because of her own hubris.

  • The allegation is that he was hired for the sole purpose of prosecuting Trump, and they both used what they were paid to work on the case in order to fund their ongoing affair. Trumps team is alleging that the entire prosecution of him and the other co-defendants is that this case was brought solely for the purposes of covering up their affair, funding it, and advancing their own name value at the expense of Trump.

    For the record, it’s obvious bullshit. But the appearance of impropriety is a real thing, and there’s plenty of that. Wade spent the entire time on the witness stand trying to split hairs and argue semantics, all while having a smug look on his face as if he thinks he’s getting away with something. Both of them should have recused themselves from the case the minute the affair became public, with the usual talking point of “I intend to fight back against this attempt to drag my personal life into this case, however given the importance of this case I feel it is best for me to step aside and hand the case to another prosecutor to protect the integrity of the case and avoid any appearance of impropriety.”

    She didn’t, and it very well could not only derail the case, but give Trump an enormous campaign victory as it will go a long way in convincing undecided voters that these prosecutions are politically motivated, giving him yet another bump in popularity during a time Biden is stumbling.

    You know how RBG should have stepped down and retired during Obama’s term but didn’t out of her own hubris? Remember how the rest of us ended up paying for that? Same thing applies here. Fani Willis’ own hubris is preventing her from stepping aside and letting another prosecutor at least salvage the case, and that hubris could cost everybody far more if Trump’s team manages to get the whole thing thrown out.