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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023

  • Well since your building a computer your more tech savvy then most people. I have been using Linux for about 20 years now. If you pick something like Linux Mint or others make sure you have a solid /home partition and migrate to what’s ever distro you like most. It allows you to move around and not lose your data.

    Worst case you do some distro hopping for a little bit and then install Windows and there is nothing wrong with that. I have a windows laptop for the very reason that Windows works best with certain apps just like I use a Mac for video editing

  • Has had Musl for awhile here is the install stage https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/#amd64-advanced . Bunch of docs on their wiki too. Gentoo is a rolling release you are correct but there is testing and stable branches. Stable branch is enterprise production ready. I know of a few hardware vendors that are using a custom gentoo builds under the hood. One of them is a big name storage array company that people spend hundreds if not millions on their arrays.

    My experience with Void was hyper rolling release . You get things quickly kind of like Arch.

    Gentoo stable runs a little bit older software for stability sake. With that being said you can mix and match stable with testing. I would assume there is some gotchas but I have not run into any yet. I am running the testing branch just for KDE software right now to have the latest and greatest KDE but a super stable base.

    Definitely something to take a look at if you’re a more advanced user. I am coming back to Gentoo after about 15 years off and just loving it. Compile times are not that bad with new hardware. My Intel NUC I am running on is crushing it. I remember X taking like a week to compile back in like 2003 lol

  • It’s not to bad as others are saying. Real question is to why you don’t want to use the installer?

    They are quite good. I just used one for a Gentoo install because I have better things to do with my time. Can I do it for the millionth time sure by hand sure but what’s the point? End result is more consistent than me as a human doing it by hand

  • Great distro! I ran Lunar Linux so Source Mages sister from the fork of Sorcerer Linux. Lunar I know is still going and updating. Need to drop into their IRC channel for support and what not. Wonder if Source Mage is still kicking. Amazing how great the bash scripts were to run it all. I feel like if they added binary support they would get a lot more traction