• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

    What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

    ( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

    Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

    I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.worldXFCE vs LXQt
    3 months ago

    I’ve lived in XFCe for years, awhile ago, now use LXQT.

    XFCe had this goddamn thing where windows had a 1-pixel thick window-grabber.

    There was no means of fixing it, that I could find.

    UbuntuStudio.org used XFCe, too, btw…

    Eventually I got sooo fed-up with the broken UX that I just committed to never using XFCe ever again.

    That was sometime in the last few years…

  • Power-consumption.

    Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

    I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

    SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

    Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

    excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

    I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

    ( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )

  • My experience is that USB storage sometimes breaks-connection for no discernable reason.

    That if one REALLY wants to do USB storage, then put it inside the housing, and don’t use one of the external-connectors, use something you can permanently-fix, so nothing can even sneeze in its direction.

    This mayn’t help you with your puzzle, but it’s bedrock and unchangeable, in my experience.

    USB-storage is an unreliable joke.

    ANY revision of it, that I’ve tried.


  • They are creative, though:

    They put things that are “near” each-other into juxtaposition, and sometimes the insights are astonishing.

    The AI’s don’t understand anything, though: they’re like bacteria-instinct: total autopilot.

    The real problem is that we humans aren’t able to default to understanding such non-understanding apparent-someones.

    We’ve created a “hack” of our entire mental-system, and it is the money-profit-rules-the-world group which controls its evolution.

    This is called “Darwin Award territory”, at the species-scale.

    No matter:

    The Great Filter, which is what happens when a world-species hasn’t grown-up, but gains adult-level technology ( nukes, entire-country-destroying-militaries, biotech, neurotoxins, immense industrial toxic wastelands like the former USSR, accountability-denial-mechanisms in all corporate “persons”, etc… )

    you have a toddler with a loaded gun, & killing can happen.

    “there’s no such thing as a dangerous gun: only a dangerous man”, as the book “Starship Troopers” pushed…

    Toddlers with guns KILL people in the US.

    AI’s our “gun”, & narcissistic-sociopathy’s our “toddler commanding the ship” nature.

    Maybe we should rename Earth to “The Titanic”, for honesty’s sake…

    _ /\ _