Does it save your position in the comments of a specific post? That’s my #1 criterion for an app. Boost is the only one that I’ve found that does it
Does it save your position in the comments of a specific post? That’s my #1 criterion for an app. Boost is the only one that I’ve found that does it
Is Boost dead though? I love it too, but it hasn’t updated in a while
Do you really blame them?
The first two have emphasis that imply something different than a simple question. Like you are asking a bunch of people individually, and you are directing each question at a specific person.
The last one would maybe be like, if the person did something weird, and you were sarcastically asking where the are from, to imply that they were raised by wolves, or something like that.
Point being, yes, you can ask like that, but it has different connotations than a simple question, which I think is where you would use the rising intonation.
I’m totally with you. I think it is somewhat speaker dependent, but that is how I would say those questions.
What’s your NAme
How OLD (are you)?
Where are you FROm?
I guess in this example, “who is your daddy?” Is the main question, which has a somewhat flat intonation, but contrasted to the emphasis in the second half of the sentence, it feels like a rise
Could you give some specific examples of questions in English that would not be asked with a rising tone at the end?
24fps vision is a lie told by Hollywood so they can save on film
Mono wheel, mono wheel, MONO WHEEL!
I love Electric Six! My favorite musical fun fact of all time is that Jack White did back up vocals for their song Danger! High Voltage
I feel like the old guys in my area just talk about their health problems 😂
Something to look forward to, I suppose
Love that this song seems to be getting a bit of a second wind
Everyone knows there’s no such thing as leftover crack
Hey everyone, this guy doesn’t know how to use the 3 seashells!
I watched the first season and liked it, but something started feeling really artificial about the tension? Not sure, it was a while back
Have you watched Timeless? Sorta similar concept
Just FYI, it might be pretty easy to replace the back lights. You can even get LED ones. Word of warning though, if the bulbs are built such that the polarity can be reversed, they’ll only work in one orientation. This is due to the nature of how LEDs work. I had to redo mine because I didn’t win all 3 coin flips when I installed them
That gets you in. How do you get back out?
Nice. What about if you back out to the main feed and then decide to go back to the comments later? This is where all other clients fail in my experience