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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Promethiel@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas
    5 months ago

    If you can trust the human monkeys with the “shaping” of a rock that got us here, how you gonna distrust the widdle trivial matter of taking little bits of something and splitting them.

    It’s shaped charges, it’s totally fine and sane. I’d happily get on the 1,000th Orion flight*.

    *Only if that’s a fresh hull

  • This. Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues; people gotta learn to keep their targets sighted on the actual scum Insidiously using empathy to cross purposes.

    The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

    Don’t tolerate the intolerant; don’t shield them with the benefit of the doubt or stop those with the conviction to stand up for those being told to sit either.

  • Take it easy on the uneducated y’all. The fact that the failure to get anywhere and still keep meeting is the whole point, is actually not as well known as it ought to be.

    Ask yourself dear reader, if world governments didn’t have a place to meet and waste time arguing over geopolitics and agreeing to disagree, how would such disagreements take place?

    Theoretically, there are less big regional wars and no world wars anymore thanks to the UN’s founding as the world government’s pressure release valve.

    I’ll not share my personal stance on the matter, easy to discern as it may be.

    Now, these days are the real test of the institution. It was intended to head off another of what’s brewing (WW), to be a release vent and that’s just fucking laughably not happening as genocide and fascism returns anyways.

    So the institution and it’s non-currently disingenuous members (US politics has been financially tied to Zionism too long for a clean break) need to call out the bullshit and the other four need to find their balls too because the only winner in a WW3 will be the US elite and rich, again.

    Every other oligarch and oligarch wannabe is dreaming if they think our dragons will align with theirs out of dragonhood if Uncle Sam gets geared for global war again; the US will load it’s cannons with its fodder stock of idiots and no-other-choicers and will once again do their outmost to take whatever path leads to the most rubble elsewhere and the most firesales on cheap foreign bonds. Just like before.

  • Nah. Notice what happened here, it will happen again. The word “purge” has been used as a euphemism for so long that it’s simple meaning isn’t the first thought anymore.

    That programming ran on the moment you read the word, before you even though about the meaning of its inclusion in the context.

    This is normal human behavior, and it is exploitable.

    You will see Fascism (and the Media reporting throughout fascist times) get really funny with words. You will see fancy small syllable words for all kinds of innocent things, mean other things.

    Always question language, it’s a tool unto itself.

  • By the way, you do have the obligation to not “see his obvious guilt”. For instance, you cannot call someone a rapist just because you feel like it. That would be slander.

    Before the beloved 2nd amendment, is the first. Courts are bound by the presumption of Innocence for the good reasons you were told already.

    But your argument falls flat right at free speech; This is still fucking America, and no one is bound to believing or saying whatever another thinks by force of the government.

    As always, the boundary is the consequences of your own actions (words) when taken by another.

    Also, that’s not how slander works you rapist of the time spent reading your drivel. Prove those damages to your reputation.

  • Classy letter agencies. Surprised they didn’t just Photoshop NSA on top of an FBI “no, fuck your inquiry” letter without any further changes.

    They all need mandated Public Relations teams. Not the ghoulish capitalist idea that really means “Publicity Relations”, but actually meaningfully and transparent (within honest and good faith security consideration reasons*) departments whose mandate is to square up the operational needs with the citizen rights to information.

    Yes, I know it would be more likely to trip over a genie’s lamp so I can ask for the Unicorn dragon I always wanted.

  • It’s okay, many of them will learn when the fascists turn on empathetic people like them, people like their LGBTQIA+ friends, and an ever more purity-shifting test stupider than a swatch of paint held to their faces.

    Because people (maybe some like you?) don’t explain nuance and responsibility to them, just throw blame around and make noises about where all of the fault lays (it’s never also on your–metaphorical you, I hope–laps is it?) and why this agenda is better and would not lead to this or that.

    You don’t need to address me if you prefer of course. I don’t actually foresee any useful dialogue here so just yelling at two-faced clouds.

  • I agree with you 100% but boy howdy, you’re, bluntly, a terrible communicator this morning. Just dropping here arguing with your own demons. Neither you nor the other person are on the same topic. They’re only seeing up to the election.

    You’re rightly looking further and calling for people to hold the fire under their Representatives so the shittery and evil can be burned out of them, specially as the fire is turned up as time goes on, not lowered.

    That makes the world a better place, but no one hears your message when you call them spineless cynics for their ignorance (of your point, the only thing you have in evidence).

    Seriously, read yours and their responses again. They’re looking at the base of the hill and arguing. You’re looking at the horizon and arguing something else. Maybe direct their gaze to the goal instead alongside the crushing of all their held opinions?

  • You are—tragically—100% percent correct in my opinion. That is as I also see, the reality we live in. The shortsighted Neoliberal imbéciles would choke to death on a dollar if they had to eat their way to a penny.


    Even though things will, to heavily understate, suck, I’d urge you to not fully give in to despair. Last time Fascism rose, it bit them in the ass and they backed the other horse eventually.

    I am not looking forward to dodging (or liquidating) brown shirts and Nazis, so if we can avoid that and just be poised for when climate catastrophe puts on the knife-edge of “this has never happened before” that would be great.

    Those with thoughts like yours will be needed. The Resistance will need leaders and scholars to delineate the purpose.

    Reality sucks and we shouldn’t have to fight for it because of thousands of greedy piggies, but it’s manifesting and we’ll have to decide.

    We need to vote. We should all vote. Then start working on what we need beyond that in what little steps we all can. The literal morning after the election, preferably.