Hook. It’s always Hook.
Hook. It’s always Hook.
And Georgia has it really bad rn as well. Basically no one is talking about how Russia has Georgia completely under its thumb. It’s really bad in Tbilisi. I wish it got more coverage.
Open windows I suspect
I was a bit confused by this as well. How can the court overrule a law that prevents the court from overturning laws? It appears the court has given a huge middle finger to this law and is basically saying, “fight me”.
Netanyahu’s government could decide to ignore Monday’s ruling, setting the stage for a constitutional showdown over which branch of government has ultimate authority.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the current El Niño pattern we’re in. A surge of warm water in already warm waters sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Boy, do I have a story to tell you…
Thank you for your service 🫡
Ha! Oh wow, now that’s a spicy spelling mistake! 🤌
Rambutans. They look like fluffy sea urchins but you crack that shell open and it’s soooo good. Much like leches.
I must know what sites they are warning us about so that I know to avoid them!
Sea scallops with Israeli couscous is a spot on pairing. They can both absorb the same buttery garlicky goodness you decide to use. It’s so yummy.
Oh man, this reminds me of a really cool PBS Nova mini series on the brain and how it’s basically very flawed at perception and how we ingest the world around us. Extremely fascinating.
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