IANAL, but current case law indicates source code is considered protected speech https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein_v._United_States
IANAL, but current case law indicates source code is considered protected speech https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernstein_v._United_States
Huawei contribute quite a bit to the linux kernel, it’s a pretty international effort.
Just the first statistics I could find showed they contributed more changesets than any other organisation https://lwn.net/Articles/915435/
IIRC the emergency stop vents the liquid helium, that’s a lot of the cost I imagine.
If you somehow killed him he would be replaced by someone who would be in a position of having to prove they were strong enough for the position.
Nobody wants an AI that talks like that.
Probably about the same, you still have stuff like the intel management engine backdoor.
No, it’s licence violates, well, pretty much the entire open source definition
Effectively just a ban on Chinese EV’s to protect American car companies that can’t keep up with them.
Personally I’d define cooking as something that creates an irreversible physical or chemical change using heat.
Genuine question: could this data be affected by the location of VPN exit points?
I think they often go after the wrong targets, usually the working class. To their credit XR has shut down airports used by the private jets of the bourgeoisie before, which seem like the kinda thing they should be doing more of.
To save people the click
Microsoft announced today that it’s releasing a new app called Windows App as an app for Windows that allows users to run Windows and also Windows apps (it’s also coming to macOS, iOS, web browsers, and is in public preview for Android).
On most of those platforms, Windows App is a replacement for the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, which was used for connecting to a copy of Windows running on a remote computer or server—for some users and IT organizations, a relatively straightforward way to run Windows software on devices that aren’t running Windows or can’t run Windows natively.
The new name, though potentially confusing, attempts to sum up the app’s purpose: It’s a unified way to access your own Windows PCs with Remote Desktop access turned on, cloud-hosted Windows 365 and Microsoft Dev Box systems, and individual remotely hosted apps that have been provisioned by your work or school.
Whoever wins we’re going to have a right wing government with insufferable fans.
In a pre Trump world, probably not.
Today? I imagine a lot of republicans would love a black man saying everything Trump says to “trigger the libs”.
There’s a village not far from me called Shitterton. It’s actually quite nice despite the name.
In the UK it’s illegal to pay blood or plasma donors, and I think the only time we’ve had a shortage is due to a cyber attack.
I think they do give you a medal or something after donating a certain number of times though.
Steamdeck is right next to animefeet
Hard copy.
Photos in a photo album, documents in a filing cabinet.