Ah, well at least we know where you stand on that. 😆
Ah, well at least we know where you stand on that. 😆
Yeah, always an option. I mean it won’t alleviate any of the world’s problems but if you like chaos and death by America’s hands it’s an option counties can take.
We do and we dont. Almost 350 million people have differences of opinion quite frequently. Thankfully most of the world thinks our positives outweighs our negatives.
Either that or they are too weak to stop us in any meaningful way. We’ve seen how many genocides over the past few years from superpowers and no one does anything? Only way you’ll see a real check on America or China’s power is through a world War which everyone rightfully wants to avoid.
Well for one, he’d make it worse for Americans, specfically women.
America often acts it’s own self interests which are going to run counter to the world sometimes. But if I am chosing between voting to benefit my fellow Americans or some other country… it’s gonna be America. I expect and witness the same from every other country as well.
As i got older, I cared more. I uses to listen politely, then I started to look forward to hearing about my friends and family lives. Now I’m one of those guys who calls to ask for updates. 😆
#2 on the sides, tapered up to finger length up top. Leave me some extra in the front
Nothing makes me automatically assume someone is lying to me faster than a “think of the children” campaign.
Yup. Several of the heavy smokers I met in high school ended up “perma-fried” it’s not a guarantee, but it was way more than 1/100.
Same goes for people who really made drinking a part of their identity in HS and college. It’s not unique to drugs/alcohol, but they are the most talked about substances that can have adverse effects on a developing brain, and are already controlled substances.
They eat hella fruit off my fruits trees. And when I say eat, I mean take 3 bites and drop it on the ground to grab a new one and take 3 bites.
They waste 50 apricots to eat 3 apricots.
Until I started taking all the ground fruit and boiling it in a pot to make fruit juice for brandy distilling, it was a complete waste. Now it’s still wasteful, because I’d rather eat the fruit, but at least I recover something from it.
Fuck squirrels.
Thank you! That was an informative article. It’s like we are giving them Raytheon gift cards every year. This makes sense, as it’s the military industrial complex doing what it do. More blood for the blood gods, etc.
What I think is interesting from the break down is how they are supposed only use it for defense, but then when we go “hey I don’t think you are using that for defense!” We don’t stop handing out the gift cards.
Also when we were struggling to get congressional approval to give them more gift cards, we let them raid our munitions cookie jar we had been storing with them in case we needed it for the past 40 years.
It sucks, but I can understand why the US is so reluctant to give up their only long term ally in the region, who’s supported us in our unreasonable conflicts against immense global backlash. We also use them to funnel more taxpayer money to military contractors which are spread all over the US, financially benefiting many states in the process.
As always it’s all about the money.
I don’t really understand what weapons our government is sending Isreal. Is it that we just aren’t canceling their contracts with our weapons manufacturers? Or we arent banning exports of weapons?
Our government doesn’t actually make weapons, we give contracts to companies to make them and have limits on who else can buy. Isreal doesn’t need our hand-me-downs.
Not a probe to find the perpetrators, just who tattled. Classic.
A high key snack to me would involve 2 separate prep phases.
For instance making crackers involves making the dough then baking which makes it more of a task than cooking a bag of chicken nuggets, which is more of a wait than celery dipped in peanut butter.
I consider these the three teirs of snack making. Anything more and you have entered meal territory.
Eh that sucks. I feel bad for their family.
I actually think young liberal folk are the ones downvoting you not conservatives. I’m pretty liberal myself but I lived through the changes in the world so I can see how someone can feel left behind when they considereal themselves moderate or liberal their whole lives and now they’re being called conservative when they haven’t changed beliefs at all.
Hey I was trying to say your point was valid but I guess you’d rather be told to go fuck yourself? /shrug
It is true. And that’s OK. Failure to change with the times and to learn from scientific advancements and social improvements is a conservative trait.
You are accurate, but it begs the question: Is not changing your opinions with time and new info a respectable way to live your life? Will you be on the right side of history? Who knows? But I feel like giving people more options is more often better than the alternative.
Leaf blower or strong fan to the face to help your tears wash away the papper spray is best relief. It feels better while it’s blowing in your face too.
Kinda easier to handle while you are panicking and your vision is impaired too.
Interestingly, if you look at the menu for Juneteenth, it doesn’t include fried chicken. The only chicken is a dry rub chicken that wouldn’t be fried. So your evidence confirms they believe fried chicken is in fact not appropriate for Junteenth. That’s a good reference point if we all accept that the national museum of African American history is an authority on such matters.
I wouldn’t have realy thought so, but since you are getting the downvotes, I guess you are right! I’ll upvote you since you’ve apparently found a taboo subject.