E: replied to wrong person, oops! 😂
E: replied to wrong person, oops! 😂
But they’re not lying. It’s pretty reasonable to believe both that his parents were working class, and that him becoming a class traitor on such a level does make him a hero in capitalist eyes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh yeah, it’s totally benign… 🙄
removed by mod
Lol, yeah, the billionaire owned main stream media is completely benign an neutral in its coverage. 🙄
Honestly, what will it take for some of you to stop taking the world at the face value those in power are selling you as reality?
I think the govt is fighting the wrong battle here
A system is what it does.
I’ve played Rabbit Escape but looks like it’s only for android and pc
Ok, that makes sense, I’ll give it a try, thanks!
It’d still be really cool if a “switch off notifications” option was implemented at some point!
Oh, that really sucks. Is it something the devs might be implementing at some point, or does no one else generally mind?
This way you can technically still go there if you need to look but zap just the number.
If I zap with ublock, I assume the icon will be gone? In that case how do I check notifications if I do want to?
Also, would there be any way to diferenciate notifications from replies vs DMs? Because I’d still like to be able to see one (DMs), but could go my entire life without getting another of the other.
the bell icon
She could definitely pull of the look…
Never forget - war is a racket
Well, I suppose bending over for a couple of dictators to fuck you (but more importantly, your people, and then who ever those two decide to invade next) is a kind of posture… 🙄
All I can say to this bizarre reply is that the whitewashed version of history you were taught at school isn’t the reality, and that none of those conflicts were fucking peaceful, or came to a conclusion because those in power just decided to give it up.
Pick up a fucking book (or watch a video, or listen to a podcast, however you take information in, go and do that, but only if you can cope with challenging your bias, otherwise it becomes a completely pointless exercise)
E: Like, honestly, do you seriously believe there is any point in talking to Putin? Do you think an open and proud totalitarian known for throwing his opponents out of windows is a trustworthy person who will have good faith and stay true to his word? Do you fucking hear yourself???
Lmfao, where did I even imply that? Talk about projecting… 😂😂😂
I’m not sure who “you people” are, but at no point did I claim to know what’s best, but I sure as fuck know, from knowing history and paying attention, that tyranny doesn’t go away by asking nicely. Never has, never will.
So a better question would be wtf is with you claiming you know anything at all about global conflict or fascism? Its like you’re larping as a wilfully ignorant and overly confident centrist who is happy to lay others lives on the line and let war rage on as long as we aren’t mean to a dictator. 🙄
The idea that it is possible to “diplomacy” your way out of conflict with a dictator is so absurd I want to laugh my ass off, but unfortunately it isn’t funny at all.
Putin will happily send every last Russian in to the meat grinder before he accept defeat, and now that he has his American buddy back in place, now with added musk funds, it is seriously delusional to think the situation is going to do anything other than escalate.
Zelenskyy is being beyond naive at best (I honestly don’t believe he believes in what he’s saying).
Unless you can ask a straight man how many guys he’s slept with, it isn’t gender neutral, no matter how resistant to this fact you are.
E: the fact that neither of you give a shit about the people telling you the term isn’t gender neutral, doesn’t apply to us, and that we don’t feel comfortable with you using it to speak to or about us says it all. No matter how much mental gymnastics you do to convince yourself otherwise you are the ones choosing to be the problem instead of actually listening to others and showing some basic respect. It’s an easy fix, too - all you have to do is give a minimal fuck about others.
I now have the hilarious image in my head of a toddler giving their granny a pat down (image of one in case the term isn’t familiar to everyone), thanks! 😂