• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • On Saturday Carnell-Bixler condemned Armstrong and Linkin Park in a statement, writing:

    Dear Emily, If you’re not going to speak out against the human and child trafficking cult in which you are apart of and in which you enable by remaining silent on the crimes you know about then you have no right to fill the shoes of Chester Bennington, a true advocate. I don’t give a fuck that you are very close to the serial rapist. I don’t give a fuck that you lied in your “apology” instagram story. I do care that you participated, after being asked, in the cruel intimidation of Jane Doe 1 with your cult pals at court. I do care that you didn’t once mention that you are a member of a child and human trafficking cult that covers up the abuses and rapes of CHILDREN and adults. I do care that your parents work for OSA (the office of special affairs) of the cult of Scientology which have been ordering attacks on me and my family which includes murdering my dogs in the most inhumane and evil ways. I do care that they have been attacking and harassing my fellow sister survivors. You don’t speak out against Scientology not because you’re terrified of them. You don’t speak out because you are one of them. Shame on Linkin Park. Fuck you.

    “Scientology P.I.’s outside our house all day,” she also wrote in an earlier Story. “Stole our trash… And other things. Documented.” Bixler-Zavala shared his wife’s statement, adding additional context and telling Linkin Park, “You should fire your entire team for not thoroughly vetting your choice. You’re a Disney level brand trying to make a comeback and you didn’t think to spend a little money on looking into her? Stop playing at the drive in’s music on your pre show playlist.”

  • You just risk staying in limbo if not direct/literal effigy IMO… All young males in general have the earned reputation of typically being oblivious of expressed female romantic advances (just search Reddit, you’ll see 300 posts speaking to this per day). On top of that general difficulty, you have the compounding factor of their atypical mental processing.

    So do what you think is right. Hope it works out for you both.

  • The nuerodivergent part suggests you’re going to just need to be direct.

    “I really enjoy our friendship, it’s important to me. I want to make sure we keep that friendship regardless, but I’ve also realized I might be developing more romantic feelings for you that I’d like to explore together - maybe you’ve had thoughts/feelings like that about me before? If not, that’s cool, I just feel better having said it to you so it’s out of my head :) but yeah, I like you and I’d like us to get dinner on an actual date date sometime and see how we both feel. What do you think?”

    Or there’s always Margaret Cho’s technique…

  • Yes, common that folks in more privileged positions can have these skewed views on products, like, “Uber is a pretty good service and a good value…” but you only pay on your corporate expense account… When normal people need a ride now, it’s $80 for a 14 minute ride that used to cost 25-30 bucks. Someone’s we can just live fully different realities from most people.

    You often forget to close camera shutters (they are often tone on tone and designed to be more invisible, or they can fall open/off. The microphones are also often located near/in camera modules, so a slide shutter can give a false sense of security, but you can still be heard even if not seen sometimes. I do hope it gets to a point where HW disconnect is the norm

  • They don’t “often come with” I’d say it’s fairly rare, and especially in the last generation of computers that most have now.

    Also, what you mention are all steps above and beyond OP’s direction to “just unplug it” and they come with compromises - I.e. A shutter cover isn’t a HW disconnect, two very different things. And, a sticker isn’t really removable temporarily when you actually do need the camera deliberately. Certain high end laptops have a purported physical HW disconnect toggle or even some “flip around” cameras that are only deployed when needed, but again, few and far between.

  • Depends on the type of “workplace” really, but generally, the answer is because work is an unstable capitalist mess and you have no confidence as a worker that you’ll have a job tomorrow, regardless of performance.

    You see, your list frames a “failing” of workers to connect, while you’re ignoring the larger system in play. Kind of you walking around Nazi Germany saying, “hey, why is everyone such a frowny bummer? Marching is fun. Okay, so which three snacks would you all take to a desert island?”

    Read the room, bud.