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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Unfortunately, the President has no role in the scheduling of substances. The Supreme Court has already made it clear the president cannot do this by executive order, and Congress gave the power to schedule dugs to the DEA.

    The DEA takes the recommendation from HHS. HHS basically then hands the reigns over to the FDA, who then evaluates the drug, and provides evidence to the HHS based on testing and scientific research. HHS then takes that information and creates a scheduling recommendation for the DEA.

    Then, the DEA takes that recommendation, does its own research and has a public comment period, and THEN it can reschedule a drug.

    Since Congress gave the president no direct role in this process, all the administration can do is appoint officials they think will be supportive of their decisions, and then make their opinions known, and act as a bit of grease to get things moving.

    Descheduling is even more difficult - first because of international treaties, and second - part of the reason marijuana has not been rescheduled already is due to a lack of scientific evidence for specific things the FDA looks for. This is largely because people can’t do research because of its classification… So it’s a catch-22.

    If the DEA rewchediles weed, this would allow for further research to be conducted which in time could allow it to be fully rescheduled.

    The DEA has already signalled they are planning or at least wanting to reschedule weed to allow for further testing.

    See here

    OR… Congress could pass a law removing marijuana from the controlled substances act.

  • Yeah, oldest electronic, or oldest thing? I have a set of fireproof bankers drawers with a functioning rotary lock from like 1917. Oldest electronic… Do speakers count? I have a set of Acoustalinear speakers hooked up to a sound system… Or my grandpa’s old neon sign from the 1950s (although it has some newer parts… Ballasts and what not do not last for ever). I also have some old electric tube transistors in an old radio I restored that have “made in West Germany” stamped on them… But those might be from the 90s… I am not sure.

  • What? There have been hundreds of experiments confirming many different hypotheses of quantum physics…

    The photoelectric effect you have seen nearly every day (have you every used a modern camera with auto-iris? What about solar power?)

    The double-slit experiment proves that subatomic particles can act as both a particle and a wave, which is pretty instrumental in further theories of QM.

    Freedman-Clause verified quantum entagnlement.

    Usage of Nuclear energy for both bombs and generating electrical power…

    Superconductors and Cooper-pairs.

    Even the other poster joking about the Copenhagen interpretation - Copenhagen lead to discoveries in Qubit measurement (read up on Quantum State Tomography).

    Quantum physics isn’t one single, independent theory… And it keeps evolving as our understanding changes.

  • To be fair… Mac works 90% with Mac hardware. It’s third party things that can screw you up… Like that pesky “USB” everyone is talking about. Who knew reading the official documentation and creating a USB driver for your own chipset would break all the USB devices not made by Mac? Who would have thought? At least there is an Intel emulation layer you can run in…